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So, here is my second work. Hope you all like it as well, and tell me about your thoughts whether I should continue or not....

"Would you look at that?" Louis raises his eyebrows at the timetable "I regret choosing Literature now"

"Why?" I frown blankly.

"I don't know" he frowns "I feel like the teacher will be boring, annoying and absolute old people. Look at that name, Evelyn Winters? That sounds too old"

I roll my eyes. Louis never fails to act too dramatic at every chance he gets.

"But you wanted to share at least a class with me" I point out.

"You're right" he nods thoughtfully "I can take this course for you."

"I know" I smile. "And now, here we are"

I look up at the building we are standing in front of.

"This looks like it was built in Dinosaur's time" Louis says ridiculously and I laugh. The building is too old and paint is worn out. The walls are faded cream color and there are cracks as well but the building is huge. "I will blame my mom if it decides to collapse right when we do our high school here"

I chuckle again, amused. "It won't, don't be so dramatic"

"No, Zayn. Just look at it" he says, grabbing my arm and pointing me the building. "I think these big pillars were carried by T-rex like dogs carry bones and stuck to the ground by-"

"Louis" I interrupt "Even you know you sound stupid right now"

"Well be stupid with me then" he says "But this is so old, mate. Is everything old here?"

"Old is gold" I smirk and he rolls his eyes. "Come on now, we only have twenty minutes for our first class"

"Yeah, gotta kick some ass and graduate this year" he says and we cheer together, catching attention of students milling around. We just moved to Manchester for our high school. Well, Louis was needed to move permanently from Doncaster and there is no way I can live without him. So I decided I could move with him as well, I'm very welcomed in Tomlinson house hold anyway. And this is our first day at our new school.

And he has started with his complains already.

I hook my arm with his and stroll inside. Curious eyes follows us along and whispers are heard around the corridors as they fall silent upon our arrival. When I look at a group of girls, they blush and look away quickly.

"Would you look at that" Louis chuckles and smirks at me sideways "Already, Zee?"

"Shut up" I nudge him "You know they were looking at you too"

"I do" he smirks "Look at us, two hot best friends who don't give a shit about anyone"

"We're cool" I say and he nods in agreement.

"We're the kings"

"Yeah" I chuckle, leading him through the corridors. "What's your first class?"

"Government" he answers and I nod.

"Well, I will see you in our next class right?" I say and he nods.

"I think this one is my class" he points to one by the corridor "Need help finding yours?"

"Nah, I will be fine" I assure him "Go ahead. Bye!"

"Bye, take care sweetie" he says and I smile as I walk away. I'm thankful when I find faded directions painted for new students at the end of the corridors. I follow it and soon find myself sitting in a class of students. Everyone throws me excited looks and exchange whispers but I pay them no mind. I'm never the one to initiate conversations. A brunette girl sits shyly beside me, and I decide I will talk to her first when she talks first. But she is busy sneaking secret looks at me and I try not to sigh to myself.

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