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Oops, sorry for the delay. Got caught up in work and Shadowhunters. Have anyone else watched it? I just started yesterday.

And it's unedited. Sorry for the mistakes.

"So..." I scratch my head awkwardly. We have settled back after all the kissing and suddenly, I feel too shy to even look at him.

"So, what?" he questions, but he has his head bowed as well. I suspect that it's out of shyness too. Glad I'm not the only one.

"Nothing" I mutter, turning red. Ugh, this is ridiculous. We both are acting like high school girls with crushes, in this case, boys with crushes.

"The boys were supposed to be back an hour ago" he frowns suddenly "They said they will meet us here"

"Erm" my eyes widen. I lean over to look out of the window, and indeed, Harry's car was parked outside. I could only hope for the best and fear the worst. "They are here. Come on"

He quietly follows me out, holding the hem of my jacket. I hear loud laughing and excited chatter and grimace. I don't have a good feeling about this.

"Just" I pause outside the kitchen "If they tease us, ignore them. Okay?"

"Do you think they saw us?" He asks, sounding anxious.

"I have a feeling they did"

"I didn't even tell them about the kiss that happened days ago" he mutters in worry "Harry's going to kill me"

"He won't" I assure "Come on"

When we walk inside, all of them turn to us, shit eating grin in their faces. Ugh...shit.

"What?" I scoff, red faced.

"Nothing" Niall answers.

"Why didn't you guys come up?"

"Oh, we did" Louis says "But as you were busy eating his face off, we thought we could leave you alone"

Jay gasps while Liam tries to hide behind me. I love the way Louis says things at face, but sometimes, I hate it with passion. Like now.

"I wasn't eating his face off!" I protest, glaring at him.

"Oh really?" Harry raises his eyebrows "It didn't look that way though"

"Can we just pretend you guys didn't see us like that?" I request, but from their smirking faces, I know they are going to tease us to hell.

"You mister, hiding behind Zayn" Niall calls out "Come on out"

"No, go away!" Liam says and I sigh. I give Jay a pleading look and she at least spares me from teasing.

"Boys that's enough" she scolds them "Leave them be"

Awkwardly, we settle down in front of them. Liam is so red that his ears are pink too. I throw a spoonful of cream at Louis and he cackles loudly.

"But, how did it happen?" he questions, genuinely curious "Out of nowhere?"

"I saw it coming!" Niall sing songs "Was waiting for them to just say 'fuck it' and snog each other to death"

"Niall" Jay scolds and he smiles sheepishly. As for me, I'd rather be anywhere but here.

"Guys, please" Liam mumbles "Stop with all the teasing"

"But how did it happen?" Harry asks him and Liam grimaces.

"Long story, will tell you later"

"Cool" he grins. "What do we do now?"

"Zayn?" Harry calls and I look over to him. "Step out a minute with me?"

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