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I'm startled awake when my phone starts ringing. I peak at the clock and find out it's barely seven in morning. Who is even awake at seven on Sunday? Christ. I ignore the call and roll over, trying to find the warm body beside mine. But my hand comes up empty. I lift my head off the pillow to look at the place beside mine and find it empty. I scoff to myself just as the phone starts ringing again. Groaning in complete annoyance, I reach for it.

It's Louis.

First of all, what the fuck is he doing up so early? Second of all, why the fuck is he calling me so early? Third of all, does he have a death wish? Fourth of all, what kind of death does he want?

"You better have a good reason to wake me up, you moron" I grumble, falling back into my bed.

"I do, I fucking do" Louis tells me "Guess what I woke up to this morning? Harold freaking drew an avacado on my face as revenge for not wishing in advance for our anniversary. And Noah helped him with it"

I can literally picture it. Noah sitting on Harry's shoulders as Harry drew the avacado, and giggling to themselves.

"Well, it's your fault that you forgot the anniversary" I shrug "You deserve it"

"I have a surprise planned!" he exclaims too loudly and it's not helping with my already sleep deprived head. "I was going to celebrate when we wake up, but looks like I should have given an advance wish too but I was fucking tired, Zaynie so I didn't and went to sleep"

"Alright, fine. Just wash it off, I guess" I tell him, yawning. "Is that all?"

"Yeah, I just needed someone to complain to" He says and I roll my eyes. "Anyway, you busy today?"

"Nope, why?"

"Need you to baby sit Noah" He tells me "I want to spend the night with Harry and Harry only."

"Alright, will pick Noah up at, say four?"

"Great" Louis responds "Don't forget to bring a chocolate with you or he won't come with you"

"You are such a bad influnce on him, Louis"

"Excuse me? He is my son, sweetheart" he reminds me. It's true, Noah is their only child. He is going to be two soon, and he looks like Harry's replica. Got the same curly hair and green eyes. But his personality is likes Louis', mischevous and naughty.

"I will be there at four" I tell him "Get lost"

I hear him snicker before he hangs up. I lie there staring at the ceiling silently for a while and let my thoughts drift off. When I started dating Liam, I thought I'd be the one to ask him to marry me. Never in a billion years did I except him to do it. I mean, I was planning to ask him the following valentine's day, on our final year of Uni. But Liam meant it when he said he will let the world know how much he loves me.

It's one of the most unforgettable moments of my life. Liam and Louis were having a finale that night, and I and Harry flew over to support them. Much to my surprise, Liam had captured the post of captain few months prior. I wore his jersey to the footie match, while Harry wore Louis' (It's funny when it's too tight on him).

For the first time ever, every one saw who Liam's secret boyfriend was. And I'd expected some snarky comments, but to my surprise (Again) most of them thought we both look cute together. Most said we resemble a perfect power couple, which left Liam red as his jersey.

He was every girl's dream, football team captain, hot and sexy and adorable as fuck. And I was so proud of him at the moment.

It was a tough competition and Liam had been anxious and nervous through all of it. I tried to calm him down, but nothing helped. "I really need to win this, Zayn" He'd told me with a tensed face. I didn't understand what was going on, so I just nodded.

Feel my love...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon