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Hey there loves, an update is here. And this is pretty long chapter, more than 7K, enjoy.


Liam's POV:

I wake up to my dad shaking my shoulder and telling me it's getting late for school. I want to stay in and sleep the day off, but I don't want to stay away from Zayn when I know I will get to spend time with him. Even if it's at a school.

And I realise something on the way to school (My dad's driving me, yeah), that I used to hate schools before I met Zayn...or Louis. They made school more exciting and fun, and leave it to Louis to make any boring class turn funny with his funny banter and comments.

"Liam?" I 'm pulled out of my thoughts only one when my dad touches my shoulder.


"I need to leave the town tonight in business" he informs me "Do you think you can sleep over at Zayn's or Harry's?"

"Zayn's" been too many days since we cuddled to sleep.

"Thought so" I hear my dad mutter, and smile sheepishly. "Don't forget to feed Baymax, okay?"

"When I have ever?" I question and he hums in agreement.

"Are you going to go to Zayn's or will he be coming over?"

"Zayn would be coming over" I just had to say the word. Jay is too fond me to say no to us.

"Alright" His tone makes me frown curiously. "I know, you guys are pretty serious in this relationship"


"Just, make sure to be careful" he clears his throat and I'm left to frown for few moments before it hits me. My cheeks turn warm and I turn my face away from his voice.

"Are you seriously going to have the S-E-X talk with me?" I mutter.

"Well, I have to, being a parent and all" he says, probably shrugging.

"Alright, but please, don't" I request, shaking my head "It's extremely weird"

"Just use protection, okay?"

"Ouchy, dad" I grimace. "Fine. Can we stop with this conversation?"

"Yeah, we can. I'm so glad it's done with"

"Me too"

There's a pause in the air before we both are laughing.

"Wish him good morning for me" He says when he is dropping me off. "I will leave money on the counter for pizza, okay?"

"He will be cooking" I muse "Thanks, dad. Be careful on your trip"

"Sure, Lil bean" he pets my hair once and takes his hand to himself. And then I step out of my car, using the door for help. I text Harry to get me from the entrance after my dad drives off and he agrees. As I'm waiting for him, one hand wrapped around the strap of my bag and another holding my cane, I hear it.

"Looks like freak has got himself a new boyfriend"

I purse my lips. Didn't they see it was my dad? Even if it was my new boyfriend, they have no right to comment things like that. My life is none of their business.

"Really? What makes you think that?" another girl questions.

Are they purposefully talking loud so that I could hear it? Jesus.

"Just saw him getting dropped off by someone" the first one answers.

"What car was it?" the second girl says.

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