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A new update! Hope you guys like it.

I sit down beside Liam timidly, watching him. He is already here, which is a first. After the chat with Niall, I have a feeling Liam at least won't beg me to leave him alone.

"Hi" I say softly and he turns his head towards my direction.

"Hi" he replies and my eyebrows shot up. That's again a first.

"I'm Zayn" I don't want him to ask who I am.

"I know" he turns away from me.

"Okay..." what do I say now? "Um, how are you today?"

Seriously Zayn, is this the best you could come up with?

"I-I'm good" he answers and I grimace.

"That's great" ugh. I suck at small talk. I wanted to talk to Liam all this time, but when I finally get a chance, I forget how to talk like a sane person. Jeez. I turn away from him to hide my embarrassed face even though he can't see me.

"Um, how's your wound?" I ask, remembering. His hand flies to his lips and he nods once towards my direction.

"It's healing" He mumbles and I wanted to chuckle at his response, every wound heals anyway. But I refrain myself. I look over at Aiden, to find him with a nose plaster which cracks me up.

"What's so funny?" Liam questions me, frowning.

"Aiden looks really funny with a nose plaster" I tell him and he nods. Doesn't he ever smile? I realise I have never seen him smile, not even once. And I wanted to see him smile. But I have no idea how to make him do so.

I look down at his outfit today, to find him in red flannel button up, unbuttoned. He is wearing a full sleeved white t-shirt underneath, and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. It's paired with blue jeans and red boots, and somehow he pulls off the look very well. His curls are left bouncing on his forehead and I had to fist my hand in order to stop myself from touching them.

"You look great today" I tell him and watch in astonishment when his cheeks tint pink, his lips parting in surprise. He visibly stammers over his response, looking so startled and caught off guard.

"I-I have no idea what I'm wearing" he confesses and I blink.


"It's the least of my concerns" he adds.

"Well..." I trail off again, pondering for a moment. "You are wearing a red flannel button up with white T-shirt underneath. Your shirt is unbuttoned and sleeves are rolled up to your elbows. And it's paired with blue jeans and red suits you"

I wonder if he knows what colours look like, or any of these clothing. And I imagine myself in a colourless dark world and shudder to myself.

"Oh, thank you" he answers, his cheeks turning even pink and I smile to myself. His fingers are fiddling with hem of his shirt in a nervous gesture and he is biting on his cushion of lip. I lick my own as I watch the action, wondering what it'd feel like if I bite into them.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when the teacher enters, demanding attention.

And I'm having trouble keeping my eyes on the teacher for the rest of the class. I'm peaking glances at Liam very often and I hope he doesn't notice them. When the class is finally over, I pack up quickly, wanting to walk Liam to his class. And I'm giddy when he doesn't protest like he did last time.

"What is your next class?" I ask him when we are out of the class and he hesitates.

"I- Harry will take me. You can go" he says and I purse my lips.

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