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It has been days, I'm sorry. Was caught up in monthly tests. And here is an update!

"Can you believe it?"


"Harry Styles asked me out"

I sigh to myself. Here we go again.

"Can you believe it?" he repeats again, staring off into space. "Is this even real? Are we aliens? Is the world ending under alien invasion?"

I pinch his arm and he yelps in pain.

"If that hurt, then this is real. If you start all over again, I swear to god, I will plaster your mouth" I threaten and he smiles sheepishly, rubbing his arm.

"I asked him, you know" he says and I roll my eyes. It's the sixth time I'm listening to this story, believe it or not. "I asked him why he asked me out when he doesn't know me at all. You know what he said?"

"Yes, but tell me anyway"

"He said that he fell in love with my eyes the very first time he saw them and that it's a surprise he waited this long"

"Yeah, right" I'm happy for him, trust me, I'm so happy for him. But this is getting annoying.

"Isn't that so sweet?"

"Louis...the plaster is just in the locker beside me"

"Fine, fine"

Five minutes later...

"Can you believe it?"

That's it.

I get up from my seat on bed and storm out, leaving a confused Louis behind.

"Jay, look at your love sick son!" I complain as I walk into the kitchen. She looks up from where she is cooking and Mark raises an eyebrow at me.

"Who is he talking about?"

"Harry Styles"

"Ah" he nods with a smile "I see"

"It's so annoying" I mutter and Jay chuckles

"Let me see who this boy is" she chuckles "Louis seems to be quite taken by him"

"Right, why did I even come here?" I roll my eyes and hear their laughter as I walk back out. Talking to them makes me miss my own family, so I set aside my homework and call my mum.

"Zayne beta" she answers and I smile. "You never called after you left"

"Sorry mama" I apologize "Was caught up with getting used to new school"

"Hmm, figured. How is it, by the way? Do you like it?"

"Yeah, it's nice and old" I say and Louis chuckles beside me. He is texting and without asking, I know it's Harry he is texting. I mentally roll my eyes at that.

"I see, made any new friends?"

"Yeah, Louis even got himself a boyfriend" I smirk at him and receive a bashful shove which leaves me chuckling.

"That's great. Tell him I said hi" she says and I do so "So, did you meet someone, any cute girl or hot guy?"

"No, mama" I roll my eyes but I'm smiling.

"Really? That's hard to believe"

"Some girls are trying to talk to me without fainting" I smirk ""

"Who is it?"


"Tell me, beta"

"Well, there is this hot guy" I say at last "His name is Liam and he is blind. But he is really beautiful, and smart. He has got these cute curly locks and an insanely beautiful voice....he is just something else, mama"

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