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Hey guys, sorry for the delay. I have typed this down in my phone itself, so forgive me for any mistakes. And this is in Zayn's POV

"So...." he grins, revealing a voice recorder "Louis gifted this to me for Christmas"

"Oh" I blink. When I asked Louis about it few days ago, he was like 'None of your business, Malik' and flipped his non existent shoulder length hair before walking out.

"Yeah" Liam is still grinning, looking so pleased "he said it will help me with my stuff, you know? I can't write diary entries, of course. So he said I can record it down and delete it if I want to"

How thoughtful of Louis.

"I'm glad you like it" I tell Liam. "Did you record anything?"

"Not yet" he shakes his head. " Louis even taught me how to operate this thing, like the third button from these straight line patterns is recording button. But..."


"Say something" he says, holding up the recorder to my nose after clicking the recording button. A red light starts blinking at that.

"Nah nah, this is for your use" I shake my head. "Not mine"

"I want to record your voice Zaynie." He pouts "Please?"

"What do I even say?" I ask, completely clueless "Are you aware that it's recording our conversation right now?"

"I know" He grins, eyes lighted up and happy. This is the Liam I want to see often, the carefree and goofy Liam. It feels so good to see him like this. "Just say something"

"Erm" I stare down at the recorder "Hey, baby, its Zayn obviously, um"

Liam's laugh interuppts me and I roll my eyes.

"Do you think you can leave me alone until I'm done recording?" I request and he smirks.

"I'm going to listen to it anyway, why bother" he says and I roll my eyes again. I take the recorder from him and walk into his bathroom, his laugh fading behind me. Locking the door behind me, I sit down on the toilet after putting the lid down.

"Well, you are still recording and here goes nothing" I sigh to myself, feeling like an idiot. But it's hard not to smile too.

"Hey baby, you are not here to interrupt me again. And this is Zayn, as I said already." I chuckle to myself, feeling even more stupid. "I don't know what to say, you just told me to say something. So I'm going to talk about you. I know you won't like it, but bear with it"

"Well, Leeyum" I smile "I'm so, so glad I met you. I never knew how much you were going to mean to me, and it's truly surprising. Life is full of surprises after all."

"Just know that I'll be always there for you, never leave your side and I know people have promised things like this and broke it before. But I'm not going to, I'm going to take it all to keep up to this promise"

"I wish I could say those three words to you" I confess quietly, pulling out the teddy bear pin from my pocket "But I know, I understand. And I will wait. But you do know right? How I feel about you...."

"And never doubt it even for a moment Liam" I say softly and firmly "Never doubt my love for you....if you do doubt it in your dark times, just listen to this recording and remind yourself I will l-um...that I will feel the same no matter what, okay?"

"And...what else? Keep smiling, you have the most beautiful smile anyone could ever have, you are the most beautiful person I have met, inside and out"

"You are probably asking yourself how I can call your smile beautiful, or you beautiful but trust me Liam, the sight often leaves me breathless. The way your eyes scrunch up when you smile-yes they are adorable before you protest- its so beautiful. Your eyes light up, just like it did moments ago with excitement, and your lips turn pink from trying to hold back your laughter by biting into them.....its just too much beauty to take in. You have no idea"

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