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Jesus, I have never hated network so much before. For the past hour, I have been trying to update and Wattpad publishes before I can complete editing🤦.

Anyway, here's an update guys.

Zayn's POV:

I stare at him in complete shock for few moments, my breath stuck in my throat and jaw hanging open. Did he really? Did he really say that? Or am I imagining it?

But no, I heard it clear as day and he didn't even panic-he didn't cry-what?

I breathe out heavily, my eyes stinging with tears because this is fucking unbelievable and I feel like I'm dreaming.


"I love you, Zayn" he whispers, bringing up a shaky hand to touch me. "I love you so much"

The tears drop down my cheeks, I couldn't help it. Because he just said it, without a stutter, without panicking or breaking down. And hearing it from him for the first time, said with so much love and affection, I feel warm all over.

"B-Babe" I gulp down the lump forming in my throat and talk with choked up voice "Baby, I-I love you too"

He smiles, his own eyes glassy. "I know" he nods, his hand weaving through my hair.

"Liam-I don't-I'm...I don't understand" I confess, sitting up and pulling him along.

"How? How can you say it now without...?"

He shrugs "I have been trying to say it to my mum recently" he confesses "You know, it's because of her that I'm not able to say it. I need to tell her first and if I'm able to, then I would be able to say it to you too. So I went there, made myself do it. Niall helped me"

I choke out sob because this amazing boy, this angel, my angel is just so amazing and strong. I want to cry with joy because he calls himself weak, but this proves how much strong he truly is. How brave he truly is.

"Zayn, hey don't cry" he frowns in worry "Why are you crying? Zayn?"

"These aren't tears of sorrow" I chuckle and somehow manage to shed more tears through it. "I'm so proud of you, Liam. I can't describe it words. You are so amazing and brave, babe. You never fail to amaze me. I'm so glad, I'm so happy"

He smiles then, snuggling closer to me.

"I love you" he says again and I'm giggling. "I want to scream it to the world, Zayn. I want to declare my love for you in front of everyone, and I will"

I pull him into my arms, resting my forehead against his. "Me too, Liam. I'm so happy baby. I have never felt so much happiness before. I love you so much, and you are so brave. I'm so fucking proud of you Liam"

He closes his eyes, a single tear slipping out from his right eye. The same eye which is clouded grey. I press a soft kiss to it and his lips tremble as they brush against mine.

"She will be so proud" I tell him, my eyes still leaking happy tears and when did I become such a sap? "Your mum will be so proud of you. She will be beaming down at you"

He nods, more tears slipping out. "Kiss me"

I didn't have to be told twice. I kiss him, no not softly, but with certain craving. He kisses me back, the hand in my hair bunching it in a fist. It's all wet and a bit clumsy but it was fucking perfect.

I hear Baymax whine and I only have time to pick him up with my free hand and drop him to the floor softly, all the while kissing Liam. Hopefully, Baymax will get the message and leave.

Feel my love...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang