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Ugh, sorry for the late update. I didn't really get time to write and days has been shit. Anyway, here is an update and the Zayn's relatives mentioned in this are made up characters. And I apologize before hand for the mistakes.

"So, I asked Liam out on second date" I inform Louis. "And I have one planned, but I'm confused Louis"

"Why?" he frowns, setting aside his phone and giving me all of his attention.

"Few days, ago. He actually told me something" I say thoughtfully "Like, that he-he wants my touch or something like that...."

"What? Come again"

"Louis, he said he always wanted more of my touch" I hope I don't look freaked out.


"And now this date at his house" I shudder "He'd promised me he will tell me to stop but I don't know. We are not going to do it, for sure. But more than just simple kisses...I'm afraid he will freak out"

He purses his lips pensively. "Zayn, do you think he is saying these things to you out of force? To prove you that he can be enough or something?"

"No" I shake my head "Nothing like that. He thinks I'm don't want to kiss him because he is bad kisser"

"Don't you see what the problem is?" he questions me. "If you could just treat him normally like everyone else, none of this would have happened"

"You think so?"

"Yeah" he nods "You know how he is, Zayn. Don't make him feel even more insecure. If things get too much for him, make sure he says stop. That's it, you don't have to worry"

"Okay, but I can't dive head first into this" I shrug.

"Okay" he smiles, walking over to me "But, just in case"

He takes out his own wallet and pulls out a condom.

"Louis, that's not gonna happen" I try to stop him when he pulls out my wallet from the locker, but he holds it away from my reach.

"Just in case, I said Zayn" he repeats, putting it in my wallet. "Don't you dare to remove it"


"It's just going to be there, no biggy"



"You go, give him a sweet kiss, cook, eat and cuddle him to sleep and leave" Louis says "That's all. It's not like you guys have never been alone before"

"You're right" I try to assure myself "It won't be a problem"

"So, you don't have to worry" he tells me, stopping in front of Liam's house. "Good luck and have fun."

"Sure. Bye, mate" I get out of the car and wave as he drives off. I take a deep breath in and clutch my bag's strap before making my way to Liam's door. He answers before I could even knock and I feel my jaw drop to the floor as I take him in.

He is just in a loose tank top and a shorts that's illegal to be so short.

He wants to kill me, doesn't he?


His skin looks oh-so-soft and milky against his white tank top. I just want to trail my hands along his ribs and pull him close and- I avert my eyes from where I was staring at exposed skin and clear my throat.

"Hey" why the fuck are you in shorts? I want to cry really, because the tank top he is wearing leaves nothing to imagination. I might suspect that it can't be a coincidence, but the smile he is wearing is so innocent that it makes me feel bad for suspecting.

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