Chapter 35

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Lunch was a merry affair. At least, it was for me. I got to watch Regis freak out over the mess Ikhan and Shinwu were making, Takio and M were doing dishes in pink aprons, and Tao was still moaning about his loss to the children during a board game. Gechutel was looking quite impressed, though I nearly throttled him when he accused Frankie of mind controlling everyone.

M and Takio grumbled to each other while doing the dishes. I walked over to them and laid my hand on their shoulders. "Boys, it isn't that bad."

"Easy for you to say. You aren't the one doing them," M said, scrubbing a plate clean.

"Oh, move over." I rolled up my sleeves.

"Rai-Lin, what are you doing?" Takio asked nervously.

I took the sponge he was using and dipped it in the water. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm doing the dishes to prove to you all that it isn't all that bad."

"You can't do that. Boss will have our heads." M glanced over his shoulder at Frankie.

"I'll deal with Frankie. You two just stand there and look pretty." I smirked as Takio ripped the sponge out of my hand and began to scrub furiously.

"Stand there and look pretty my ass," he mumbled.

I wiped my hands off and walked away, leaving them to their work. My gaze turned to Gechutel.

My mind flashed back to earlier that day when Raziel and I were seated opposite Gechutel, while Frankie stood behind us. "Raziel, sir, will you not some back?" Gechutel asked. When Raizel didn't answer, Gechutel let out a puff of air. "That was stupid of me to ask. If you wanted to return, you wouldn't have stayed here after waking up. I didn't expect an answer, but..."

"Not now...I'll stay here for the time being," Raizel answered. I placed my hand in his.

Gechutel looked at me. "I take it you will stay by his side."

Raizel's hand tightened on mine. "Of course," I said. "Do say hello to Karias for me, though, and tell him I will visit him and the boys soon."

"The boys?" Frankie asked.

My stomach clenched. "Rayga's sons, Rael and Lazark. When Rayga knew he was going to enter eternal sleep with the Lord, he asked me to watch over his sons. I swore an oath to protect them. I visit every so often to make sure they are all right. I stay at Karias's house since he is the only noble beside Gechutel that knows I exist. I wiped everyone else's mind to protect them."

"Why Karias?" Raizel asked.

My lips curled upwards. "I find him refreshing. He is less serious than the rest of the nobles and was such a lively little boy." I became distant then, seeing memories of young blond-haired nobles playing with me.

I jerked out of my past and back into my present. Raizel was looking at me with concern, so I glided over to him and pressed a kiss on his cheek. "I'm fine, my love. Just a bit distracted," I assured him. He nodded.

Dinner was great, especially because Gechutel made a fool of himself again. He went on and on about how unclassy ramen was until Frankie announced that it was Raizel's favorite food. That set Gechutel on a much different path. He began to praise the Ramen repeatedly. I hid a giggle.


That night, Raizel and I laid in bed, our hands intertwined. He was tense, his hand holding mine tighter than normal. I rubbed circles on the back of it with my thumb. "My love, what is wrong?"

"The former Lord has passed. That means many of my friends have passed as well."

I winced. "Not exactly. Several of the family leaders rebelled. It was messy."

Raizel seemed to take all that in before he shifted towards me. "I'm sorry that I wasn't there to support you when Rayga and the Lord passed. I know you were close to both of them."

"Sssh," I laid a finger on his lips. "It's not your fault. You couldn't control the fact you couldn't be there."

"I just hate to see you in so much pain."

"I'm not in that much pain anymore. There's just occasional twinges when I think about them." I smiled at him.

He reached out stroked my cheek. "You are so brave to be able to endure such hardships and still face the world."

"Not as brave as you."

A/N: Hello! It's been a long time. Life has been very busy, but I am happy to have an update for you all. I hope you enjoyed it. Have a wonderful day. 

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