Chapter 24

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By the time we arrived back at the house, my arm was throbbing. Gunshot wounds were painful even if it was just a graze. Apparently, it was painful enough that both Raziel and Frankie were waiting by the door. My pain must have gone through my link to Raziel because he swooped down upon me the second I entered. "What happened?"

"Nothing," I mumbled, conscious of all the eyes on me.

"Then why is there a piece of clothing that is not your own tied around your arm?" Frankie asked. I locked eyes with him, and we proceeded to try and wear down the other's will.

We were still glaring at each other when Yuna broke. "Lin got shot protecting a stranger."

A collective gasp went through the room. "Rai-Lin, why didn't you call me?" Frankie thundered.

I rolled my eyes. "Because it only grazed me. It's not that big of a deal."

"Not that big..." Frankie looked at the children. "I think it best that you all go home now. I have some serious business to discuss with my sister." The children did as they were told.

The nobles bowed their heads. "We will walk them home," Regis said. I could tell he had no desire to deal with a family talk.

When they were all gone, Frankie grabbed me by my uninjured arm and marched me over to the couch. I sat still as he went to unwrap the wound. Raziel stopped Frankie with a wave of his hand and set down beside me. With gentle fingers, Raziel untied the fabric to reveal that the cut was still bleeding. I caught his concerned glance and said, "I didn't use my regenerative abilities because it might have been noticed. I'll use them now since I'll wear long sleeves to school." He gave me a nod.

M's hands were clenched at his sides. "What happened? I thought you said everything was fine."

"I did not. I said everything would be okay as long as you got home, and it is." I ignored the look Frankie sent in my direction.

"And why did I need to come home?" M's voice was tight, controlled.

"Because you're being hunted."


After an explanation of what had happened, Raziel and I went to bed, so my body could heal. Raziel stared at me in the moonlight. I stared back, knowing what was on his mind. "Don't worry about the children. We'll protect them."

"They aren't the only ones I'm worried about."

"I'll be fine. I know how to handle myself." I smiled sweetly.

A tender caress of my face sent shivers down my spine. "You've grown so strong. Soon, you won't need me to protect you anymore." He sounded sad. I knew that protecting me was one of his main purposes in life.

I leaned over and kissed him gently. "I'll always need you to protect me."


The next night, I got a pounding headache. Flashes of M shot through my mind. He had been taken, and the nobles had let those people take him. I heard the front door slam. Without a thought, I stormed in there, grabbed Regis by his collar, and slammed my fist into his face.

He stumbled back, blood streaming from his nose. Frankenstein and Raziel stood behind me, watching closely. "What was that for?" Regis said through his broken nose.

"That was for letting those guys take M-21." I heard Frankie gasp behind me.

Regis's eyes widened. "How do you know about that?"

"You don't need to worry about that. You need to worry about me not killing you here and now. You left him there as though he was nothing," I went to punch Regis again, but Seira caught my fist. I glanced at her. "Don't make me punch you, too, you stupid little noble." Regis's thoughts were so loud that I glared at him. "M was human. He didn't give up his humanity for power like you said he did. He was experimented on against his will. And he didn't leave because he was on a mission. He left to protect you, you smug little bastard." I wrenched my hand from Seira's grip.

"How do you know all this?" Seira's voice was almost as quiet as Raziel's.

"You aren't the only one with cool powers," I turned to Raziel and Frankie, waving my hand. "You will forget everything you've seen just now."

"Did you just mind control them?" Regis asked.

"Yes. Isn't that what you've been doing this whole time? Now, if you will excuse me, I have my best friend to save." I wiggled my fingers before disappearing.

I appeared outside a condo building. I could feel M's presence nearby. I cast out with my mind. I found M's mind easily, but there was pain there. M, are you okay?

Rai-Lin, what are you doing here?

Rescuing you, of course.

Don't. At least, not yet. Everything is confusing, but I think I know a way to get some information out of them.

I frowned. I'll wait for now, but if the pain becomes too much, let me know. I don't want my little brother to suffer.

Little brother?

Yep. I am older than you, you know.

A mental laugh. I have to go. They're starting to get suspicious.

I remained in the shadows, wincing every time pain came across the connection I was keeping open with M. I did notice Frankie's energy nearby for a short period of time. He must be spying on them. Judging on the amount of time he spent and the commotion from somewhere nearby, I guess he had gotten caught. I was about to join him when his energy disappeared, though I could feel his presence going away from here.

There was so much pain coming from M's end. It made me want to barge in there and kill everyone, but if they had managed to scare off Frankie, it was going to be a tough fight. I had to be smart about this.

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