Chapter 29

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The wallpaper in this room was horrendous. I wanted to destroy it all. I think it had been permanently ingrained on my eyes from how long I had been staring at it. Hey, but at least I had found Frankie.

Speaking of Frankie, his phone was going off. I flinched at the loud sound. He pulled it out and glanced at it. An adoring smile crept over his face. "Oops, got a text. Sorry to interrupt your conversation. Don't mind me. I'll change it to vibrate," he said, and I almost puked at the cheeriness in his voice. "I set it on vibrate. Be as you were."

The woman, Dr. Aris, blushed and put her hands on her cheeks. "How does he have such a good voice?"

"My apologies. I can't believe I made such a mistake. Who knew he'd wake up so fast?" Yuri was getting on my nerves. So was Dr. Aris. In fact, this whole situation made me want to gorge my eyes out and cut off my ears. Maybe that was a bit dramatic, but I really wanted out of this room.

Dr. Aris continued to go on about my brother until bile rose in my throat. She sat Frankie down and laid down the rules for him, while basically crawling in his lap. I gagged. "Could you not do that?" I asked.

All heads turned to me. "Oh, dear," Dr. Aris said. "It seems you are awake as well."

"I never was asleep. One can resist mind control if one tries hard enough. I just used your henchman here to take me to you," I glanced over at Yuri, who was looking quite distressed. "Oh, don't look so put out. It was a very nice trick. It just wasn't good enough."

Frankie stood up then. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I can obey your orders."

Dr. Aris became sad. "What do you mean?"

"I need to go back."

"You're going back?"

I tapped my foot impatiently. "That's what he said, dumbass. And to think that by the way you were going on about those experiments, I thought you might actually be moderately smart."

Everyone turned their full attention to me, giving Frankie time to go to the door. I continued talking. "I see now that I was wrong. You're just another cold-hearted scientist, who doesn't know what the hell she's doing."

Dr. Aris became red with anger. "I created DA-5, and you have the nerve to say I have no idea what I'm doing."

I picked at my fingernails. "DA-5. You know that name does ring a bell," I snapped my fingers. "That right. I killed all of them."

"Yuri, kill her." Dr. Aris ordered.

Yuri messed with a device in his hand. One of the two large, hooded guys I had been ignoring rushed at me. I moved aside without any problem. Unfortunately, Dr. Aris had caught on the Frankie had been trying to leave. I couldn't go to him since the person in front of me was taking up my attention. The other one rushed Frankie.

I blasted the person in front of me aside just in time to hear Frankie say, "Oh my...looks like my hands reacted on their own."

I snorted. "Good one."

Frankie flashed me a smile. "Thanks."

I cracked my knuckles. "Now to finish this guy off." I went to dive into his mind only to discovered he didn't have one, at least not one in the normal sense. I pushed my surprise aside.

The thing loomed above me, now even more huge Okay then. Not the color I would have picked. I cocked my head at it. "Aren't you ugly?"

I dodged its attack before grabbing its arm and scaling it like a monkey. I ended up right behind its head. Summoning my power in both my hands, I brought it down on his head, shattering it. I flipped off as it started to explode.

Frankie finished his person off about same time as I did. He got bonus points though for attack Dr. Aris. Unfortunately, this caused Yuri to fire a high-impact beam straight at Frankie. Without a thought, I dashed in front of my brother and took the hit instead.

I grabbed my shoulder as that was where the majority of the impact was. Luckily, I managed to get a weak barrier up in time to not die. Frankie's eyes widened. He quickly pulled me behind him. "Are you okay?" he asked.


"Good job, Yuri. You hit the pig that killed my babies." Dr. Aris clapped her hands together.

Frankie began to tremble with rage. "How...How dare you to say such a thing with that filthy mouth?" he roared. Dr. Aris and Yuri murmured to each other. "Shut up. Babbling like that, your existence makes me angry. I will erase your existence." Frankie fired a beam of darkness straight at them.

I was dismayed to see Yuri block the attack. Frankie kept his cool though, complimenting Yuri albeit sarcastically. The battle back and forth until Dr. Aris became involved. "Yuri," she said. "Stay back. You'll just get in my way." She flew into the air, beams of power coming out of her hands.

Frankie and I batted it aside like it was nothing. We moved in unison as we shot our own power at her. She cut them in half with whip-like contraptions. She started talking again. If anything in this world was going to drive me to insanity, it was going to be her babbling. I caused a tendril of blue power to grow over her mouth. "Quiet. At long last, there's quiet." Frankie chuckled at my words.

My gag made Dr. Aris lose her temper, which was good. Her attacks became sloppy. In no time, we had her pinned. I removed my gag as Frankie put his hand around her mouth. "I haven't had this much fun in a long time. But I can't forgive you for what you said earlier. You should have never said that. Now, you must die."


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