Chapter 57

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The couple looked around, realizing they were outnumbered and outmatched. I tensed as Yeonsu reached up to take her mask off. The little brothers narrowed their eyes. "Oh, what a surprise?" Tao said. "Then, I can tell who you are without an introduction."

Sangin and Yeonsu conversed until Tao said, "Well, is it you guys or us that doesn't want this matter to get bigger? Anyways, you didn't want a mess, but it's funny that you two showed up like this. We should hear your story."

"You should tell us why you are here. Modified humans like you...hiding in our country, especially in a school," Yeonsu said.

I moved over to M, who was looking sad, and put a hand on his back. I winced slightly as Yeonsu's attack was already causing bruising on my arm. M noticed this and let a small growl pass his lips. He grabbed my arm lightly and prodded the area to determine the damage. I yelped, pulling away. "Geez. You don't have to poke it," I chastised him.

"And you didn't have to take that hit for me," he said sadly.

"Of course, I did." I leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I love you." The words were quiet enough only he could hear.

I turned back to the other two little brothers and the KSA Agents. I gestured with my good arm. "Please, continue."

"We just want to keep things quiet," Tao continued.

"Quiet?" Yeonsu echoed.


"That's why you're staying here," Sangin said.

"That's right."

They continued to go back and forth, Yeonsu being her normal combative self. At least, she was until Tao said, "Both of us don't want anyone to know, right?"

"What do you mean?" Yeonsu's voice was sharp.

"I mean, the KSA or the Union figuring out about you guys having modified bodies," Tao said, and I struggled to keep my eyes from widening. So, they had been secretly modified. "You seem surprised. Don't lose your tempers. Whatever the result, the combat trace will be inevitable. We don't want that, do we?"

I got into Tao's mind. Let me take it from here.

Yes, Rai-Lin.

Walking towards the KSA agents, I clasp my hands. "Let me make you an offer. We want you to keep it a secret that we are here. And of course, we will keep it a secret about you. It's an offer for both of us."

"How can we trust you that you won't leak information on us?" Sangin asked.

I let my power dance between my fingers. "I don't think you really have a choice. Besides, it's the same of us."

Yeonsu still wasn't convinced. She went on about how we were in a school and how unsafe it was.

I arched an eyebrow. "We aren't the ones who attacked students. I do believe that was you."

Yeonsu went to protest, but M cut her off. "Cut the crap that you worry about the kids. We know that program is raising agents to work for the KSA in the future," M's clenched his fist. "But the kids will be thrilled to just think it's a scholarship program. Without knowing, the program will make them belong to the KSA. What happens to their lives? They can never go back to their normal lives once they step into the KSA. You want the kids to live like that." M's voice had risen to a shout.

I grabbed M's hand to calm him down as Yeonsu and Sangin accepted our offer and left. "Tao," I said. "Both of them had unauthorized modifications?"

"Yes, I found out right before coming here."

"It'd be dangerous without that info," Takio walked over to my and M's side.

I pulled away from M and straightened out my shirt. "Only for them."

"We prevented a big problem," Tao admitted. "But what about that?" We all looked around us at the destruction wreaked on the school.

I sat stiffly by Raizel's side as Tao explained what had happened to the rest of the family. My arm no longer hurt, but I was tired, tired of things happening that put my family in danger. Something told me that they would be much more danger to come. I wanted to defend my family, to protect them, but from how many things could I save them from?

I made sure to keep my worries from Raizel, keeping them sealed off in a far corner of my mind. He could have easily gotten to them but respected me enough not to invade my privacy. His respect was one on the many things I loved about him.

I was drawn out of my worries by Frankie plopping down in a seat heavily. Glancing around, I saw that Tao had pulled up the images of the damages done to the school. Frankie was all but hyperventilating. Raziel rose from my side, walked over to Frankie, and lightly patted his back. I smiled slightly as everyone else sweated.

The three little brothers and I were standing on the balcony, the three of them conversing, while I was lost deep in my thoughts. This deal we made most likely wouldn't last forever. It was a temporary fix, a band-aid. I hated the thought of what would happen when the band-aid came off. I don't think that even I could fight the Union and the government at once. I hoped it didn't come to that because I didn't think I could bear to lose anyone in my family.

Soft footsteps approached. Without turning around, I said, "What is it, Regis?"

"I have a question, especially for M-21," Regis said.

M shifted beside me. "What is it?"

"Why keep causing trouble with the KSA? I don't know why you got agitated, and even used your power. Apart from me, isn't it risky for you guys to get caught staying here?"

I finally turned around to see M lower his head. "Silly noble. You don't understand a thing." I scoffed.

"Hey-" Regis started only to be cut off by Takeo.

As Takeo and Tao took up for their brother in arms, I laid my head on M's shoulder. He looked down at me with sad smile before speaking, "You guys...Whatever the reason, I'm sorry."

Regis, the little smartass, asked, "Why apologize? I'm just asking because I'm curious. If you thought of every angle and stayed quiet, I would've thought I misjudged you."

The little brothers smiled, though M's was miniscule. I chuckled. "Lucky for you, No. 3, I don't have to make you pay for making M sad.

Regis flushed. "Who's NO.3?"

"Aw," I lifted my head and reached out to pinch Regis's cheeks. "Look, he's blushing."

He pulled away. "Get off me, woman."

Grinning evilly, I began to chase Regis around, threatening to pinch his cheeks, while the little brothers laughed behind me.

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