Chapter 55

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A/N: Hello, everyone! I have two things I would like to say in this author note. One, I noticed that my reads for Chapter 54 were less than the author note I wrote for the last part. I thought this might be because I posted the author note almost immediately after I posted Chapter 54. So, if you haven't read Chapter 54, you might want to read it before this one, or else you might be a little confused.

Secondly, some of you wanted me to continue this fanfic after what I already have written. I do appreciate your love for this book, but while I am not ruling out this possibility completely, I probably won't do it right now. My university semester is about to start up again, and I am going to be busy. It's also been quite a long time since I've written this (like years). That said, I might still do the oneshot book and update this occasionally. I'm not sure yet. Whatever I decide, I hope you all will support me. Now, onto the chapter.


As soon as Sangin and Yeonsu were out of sight, M exploded. "Rai-Lin, what were you thinking? You nearly died last night, and here you are picking a fight. You were going to let him punch you!"

"M, I-"

"You're not invincible!" M screamed.

"I know that," I said it again softer. "I know that, but I wasn't about to let him interfere with your fight. He was going to hurt you. That much I gleamed from his mind."

"I could have taken them both." M's eyes were full of anger but also worry.

"Maybe you could. Maybe you couldn't. We didn't know to what extent they were modified," My voice became quiet. "But either way, you shouldn't have had to. You're my little brother. It's my job to look out for you, remember?"

M's fists, which had been clenched at his sides, loosened. "I remember, but I also believe that sometimes, it's our job to look out for you."

"He's right, you know," Takio said, crossing his arms.

"Yeah," Tao chimed.

I groaned. "It's not fair that you all ganged up on me."

Tao flung an arm around my shoulders. "What are little brothers for?"

Frankie was furious once we told him what had happened, more so at me and M than Tao and Takio. "So, M, Rai-Lin, you made a fuss without holding your temper?"

Tao laughed nervously. "Well, it wasn't like that. They provoked them, so they had no choice."

"Had no choice?" Frankie cackled. "Rai-Lin shouldn't have been anywhere near those two. There shouldn't have been a choice to be made on her part."

I rolled my eyes. "Frankie, I think you are taking this a little far."

"A little far?" Frankie yelled. "This is serious, Rai-Lin. You flirted with death last night, and you have yet to fully recover. What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking that you baby me and that I was feeling much better. I will not sit idly by when there is a threat to the school or my family." I clenched my fists.

Frankie started to pace. "I only baby you because you don't have a sense of self-preservation. You throw yourself head first into danger without any thought as to how badly things could go."

"Oh, that's real funny coming from you. You could care less what happens to you. Did you ever think that maybe I lost my sense of self-preservation from watching you growing up? You were always fighting with the other nobles and you never once cared what happened to your body. I thought that was how you were supposed to fight. When I realized it wasn't, I was already too far gone." The words were a scream.

"Rai-Lin," It was Raizel's quiet voice. I turned to him, my chest heaving. "You should not have provoked and attacked Sangin. You are still weak."

My power began to leak out of me, my eyes turning blue. "No, I am not. I am not the same girl you left 820 years ago. I am much stronger than her. What happened last night did not damage me nearly as much as it used to. Fighting has only increased my strength."

Raizel's eyes widened as he stared at me. After a moment of silence, he lowered his head. "No, you are not the same girl from 820 years ago. You are right. You do not need us to protect you anymore."

I immediately withdrew my power. My face fell. I knew what it meant for Raizel to protect me. I couldn't let him feel the way I was sure he felt. "Everybody leave us," I said quietly.

Once everyone was gone, I approached Raizel, whose head was still down. I hooked a finger under his chin and lifted his head until he was looking at me. I brushed my lips against his. "Never think I don't need you to protect me. Without you, I would have died last night. I just hate feeling weak, and I wrongly took it out on you. Forgive me."

He kissed me back tenderly. "My love, there is nothing to forgive."

"I love you," I said, and he deepened the kiss.

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