Chapter 59

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A/N: All I can say about the next few chapter is prepare yourself.



I appeared near the school to see the little brothers sitting on a bench, debating. I walked up to them soundlessly before speaking. "Have you met with Sangin?"

They all jumped, Tao falling off the bench. "Rai-Lin, you startled us," Tao squeaked as he brushed his butt off.

"Have you met with Sangin?" I asked again, not really in the mood to beat around the bush.

"Yes," M pressed his fingertips together. "We were just discussing how to proceed."

I crossed my arms. "Good. I think we should work with him. He took a pretty big hit just to get out to see you all."

"How do you know that?" Takio fiddled with his fingers. "You were asleep."

A sigh escaped me. "Sometimes, I do not get to rest even in sleep. Sometimes, images haunt me until I wake up."

M's gaze softened. "So, you saw what happened with Sangin?"

"Ye-" I cut off with a groan as I saw Sangin come face to face with two members of Kelberos. He dodged an attack and fled, but I knew it would not be enough. Through my haze, I could hear Tao talking on the phone.

A vial was pressed to my lips, and I eagerly drank. The headache disappeared. Straightening up, I noticed Tao get off the phone. "So, you know," I said gravely.

"He wants us to stay out of it," Tao looked at the phone in his hand, seemingly lost in thought. Quietly, he muttered, "But we can't."

"You know what you are doing, Tao," I whispered.

"Hey, guys, will you follow my lead?" he asked. We all gave an affirmative. "Alright, take this." He flung masks and earpieces at us.

I caught mine and put them on. "I'm going to go on ahead. You all get there as fast as you can."

The three nodded. "Be safe."

I waved before I transported to Sangin's side. He was a bloody mess. The large man I had seen before launched an attack at Sangin that was sure to finish him off. I stepped in front of him and cut the power in half with my own. Everyone's eyes widened in shock. "Hey," I said, dusting of my shoulders.

"How dare she?"

"Who is she?"

The large man and the blond man screeched in unison.

I covered my ears. "Who knew men could reach such octaves?" I tutted.

"Shut it!" The large man rushed at me with a fist extended. I reached out with one hand, grabbed his fist, and stopped him in his tracks. Power coursed through me, power that I had not felt in centuries. I had grown weak in my time without Raziel as there wasn't anyone challenging enough for me to fight. Now, though, I could feel a challenge.

Without a thought, I rammed my fist into the man's face. He went flying back to the feet of his companion. Right then, I felt M's presence next to Sangin. I glanced back at them. "Get him out of here. I will follow you."

"I don't think any of you are going anywhere," the blonde man growled as the larger man got to his feet.

"Go," I yelled at M, who was looking indecisive. With one last look at me, he helped Sangin to his feet and started off with him. The two Kelberos tried to follow him. I cut them off.

The larger one cracked his knuckles. "You land a lucky hit, and you suddenly think you can take out the two of us?"

I tilted my head to the side. I don't think I can. I know I can.

For the first time, I saw fear flicker in their eyes. The both rushed me at once. I dodged before wrapping them in my power. I darted off after M, knowing it was only a matter of time before the managed to break through my tendrils.

I was almost to M when I heard them break free. I cursed and turned back to them. This time, I was not alone. Takio stood by my side. "Takio," I said. He turned his head ever so slightly. "You should stay with No. 4 in case the other members of Kelberos show up."


"No. 0 is right. Go to NO.4." Tao's voice crackle over the earpiece. "She's got this." Takio disappeared to take a sniping position.

My eyes widened as I noticed that only one member of Kelberos stood in front of me. "No. 1, I've lost the blonde guy. Keep an eye out for him."

I picked at my nails. "So, did you come to die alone?"

"You're funny," the big guy said, though he did not laugh.

"Really? I was being completely serious."

He said nothing, just launched himself at me.

We engaged in a fearsome battle. I had to admit, he was quite strong, strong enough I was actually breaking a sweat. But I was faster than he was. He couldn't quite land a hit on me, while I was doing plenty of damage to him. I could tell he was starting to get tired.

Unfortunately for me, news came over my earpiece that I didn't want to hear. Tao had been found. The slight distraction was just enough for me to move a second slower than usual. The big man's fist crashed into my side, sending me flying back. I groaned as I spat out a bit of blood. Then, the man was above me sending his fist into me repeatedly. "No. 0!" I heard screamed through the earpiece by Takio and M.

I sent him backwards with a blast of power, stood up, and laughed. "That actually hurt. I don't like being hurt." I remembered the last time I said those words and laughed some more. I could hear sighs through my earpieces. The man in front of me actually looked unnerved. And then, he turned and ran straight towards M.

"M," I said, "He's headed in your direction. I am in pursuit."

I stopped as suddenly as I had started forwards. Images flashed before my eyes. "Guys, I have some bad news. We are about to have some more company."

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