Chapter 6

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Frankie’s phone rang, and he answered it. Even without my excellent hearing, I could tell from Frankie’s expression it wasn’t good. He got off the phone. “Yuna has been taken. Shinwu and Ikhan are going after her.”

“Then, we must go after them,” Raziel said.

We were running to where the children were when a sudden pain assaulted my head. I bent over, cradling my head in my hands, as images of Shinwu battling the vampire creature flashed before my eyes.

Hands were on my arms, holding me upright. Tears ran down my face. “The children,” I choked out through the pain. Then, the pain dulled to an ache. I now had a strong connection to the students, strong enough I could follow it to where they were by transporting.

I straightened up, staring into Raziel’s eyes. “I have to go to them. I might be the only one to get there in time. I’ll try not to show my powers until you arrive,” I said. He nodded once, sadness written across his face. “I love you.” Then, I was gone, following the pull to where the children were.

I appeared in the shadows of a dark room to see Shinwu locked in a fight with what I knew was the vampire. The two men from before stood back and watched as Yuna and Ikhan huddled in a corner. Shinwu was tossed into the air like a rag doll. Unable to sit by and watch, I stepped forward, my voice ringing out. “That’s enough.”

Everyone but the vampire looked at me in surprise as I emerged from the shadows. The vampire continued to advance on Shinwu, who was getting gingerly to his feet. I sprinted over to the vampire and grabbed his wrist. “I said that’s enough.” The vampire snarled at me. He lunged only for my foot to meet his chest. He went flying back.

The man with grey hair laughed. “Well, well, well, looks like another student decided to show up. I recall you enjoying my flirting.”

As fast as I could without using power, I rushed to stand in front of the man. I smiled sweetly before landing a solid blow across his face. His head whipped to the side, more out of surprise than anything. “Asshole,” I growled.

The man slowly turned to face me, his cheek not even red. Definitely modified. He went to grab my throat, but I ducked out of the way. Yuna screamed for Shinwu to watch out. Without a thought to my safety, I dove in front of Shinwu to take the claws aimed at his face. As the claws shredded my forearm, I chuckled. “You’re in for it now.” I landed a barrage of kicks and punches that sent the vampire staggering back.

While this was happening, I noticed the thrum of power that signaled my brother’s arrival. A smirk pulled at my lips as the two men went to investigate. I wished I could see the looks on their faces when they confronted who was waiting for them. It would be good for the strangers.

The vampire being and I were still fighting when he suddenly stiffened. I went to attack, but he whirled around. He was actually running away. I made to go after him when I stopped. I couldn’t leave the children here alone. It wasn’t safe. I’d just have to track the vampire down later.

I turned to the children. Shiwnu had placed himself between Yuna and Ikhan and the vampire. “Are you alright?” I asked Shinwu. “You took quite the beating.”

“I’m fine, but your arm…” he trailed off, gesturing at the bloody extremity.

“I’ll survive.” I was withholding my healing capabilities, so the students wouldn’t get suspicious. This meant my arm was throbbing.

My brother’s voice rang out. “Is everyone okay?”

I glanced back to see Frankie and Raziel approaching. Raziel’s eyes went to my shredded forearm before going up to my face. I nodded to let him know I was okay.

“Sir! Rai!” the children yelled.

“Sure, get excited to see them, but don’t even thank me for saving you,” I grumbled.

Yuna turned to me, her cheeks red. “I’m so sorry, Lin. Thank you for saving us and protecting Shinwu. I know you got hurt to save him.”

I smiled. “Don’t worry, Yuna. I was trained in martial arts. These little scratches are nothing.”

“If you’re sure.”

“I am positive,” I moved onto Shinwu, placing a hand on his shoulder. I wasn’t doing it to be comforting but because I had the power to heal. I passed a little of that power into Shinwu, so his bruises wouldn’t be quite as awful. “You are going to be sore tomorrow.”

“Don’t remind me,” he groaned.

I took my hand off his shoulder. “We should head back to safety. We don’t know when those guys will return.”

There was a chorus of yeses as I turned around and started walking away. Raziel quickly caught up to me, leaving Frankie to walk with the students. Raziel placed his hand on the small of my back. His voice echoed in my head. You used your healing powers.

Yes, Shinwu was going to be miserable tomorrow without it. My only regret is that I cannot heal him fully without exposing him to our world.

You tell me I should be more careful with my power. You should be more careful with yours.

I looked at him. I know what my body can handle. I’ve had a long time to figure it out. Worry not, dear Raziel. You’ll have me for a good while yet.

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