Chapter 28

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Later on, Frankie and Raziel pulled me aside. "What were you thinking, offering to infiltrate the Union?" Frankie was mad enough his power was starting to show.

"I couldn't stand to see Takio so sad," I defended.

"If you had infiltrated the Union, you would have died," Raziel said.

"At least, Takio would have his sister back. I know what it was like when Frankie and I were separated." I was struggling to remain calm. This didn't need to escalate any more.

"But we would have lost you!" Frankie's entire arm was covered in power.

"You know what?" I growled, tiring of this conversation. "You look like you want a fight, so let's fight. Raziel, please summon the others. They might enjoy watching the show." I turned on heel and stalked down to our training room. Frankie followed me.

Raziel showed up with the house's other inhabitants not long after. They stared through the well-fortified window I had installed for Raziel. Frankie and I were already fighting, our powers clashing. I knew who would win this fight. Frankie's power was stronger than mine, though I had more powers. Unfortunately, Frankie's mind was well shielded right now.

To anyone else, it would have looked like we were trying to kill each other. We held nothing back. Blood was drawn multiple times. It didn't help that I was still recovering from the other day, but I held my own.

Frankie laughed manically. He sent a blast of power so strong that I was powerless against it in my current state. I was blown back into the wall. I stood up immediately. I charged him, dodging his attacks, and tackled him around the middle. We both crashed to the ground. I began to punch him in the face, pulling my punches back a little.

Frankie threw me off him. "Don't pull your punches. I won't."

"Fine," I spat. I dodged Frankie's fist but was caught by his leg sweeping mine out from under me. I hit the ground hard. It was Frankie's turn to slam his fist into my face. I groaned. He wasn't kidding when he said he wouldn't hold back. They hurt like hell.

"Stupid. Little. Sister. Making. Me. Worry." He accentuated each word with a punch.

"Frankenstein," It was Raziel's voice. "Stop."

Frankie stopped midpunch. Raziel had entered the room and was staring down at us in disapproval. I shoved Frankie off me. "Get up, you big lump. You're heavy." I laughed at his affronted expression despite the fact it pulled at my split lip.

M rushed into the room. "Ra-Lin, are you all right?"

I waved away his concern. "I'm fine."

M whirled on Frankie. "What were you thinking? You could have killed her."

I grabbed M's arm. "M, it's okay. Frankie and I do this whenever we have a problem with each other. This fight was actually quite mild."

"Mild?" he echoed. "Can you not feel the blood on your face?"

I shrugged. "One time, Frankie broke most of my ribs."

"How badly have you hurt him?" M jerked his thumb at Frankie.

"I haven't. He doesn't heal as fast as me. I don't want him out of commission in case something comes up." I clasped my hands behind my back.

M was steaming. "That doesn't seem very fair."

"Raziel doesn't think so either, but he's used to it by now, though it doesn't stop him from intervening when we get too carried away like you just saw," I peered over M's shoulder at Raziel, who was talking to Frankie. Frankie was looking like a kicked puppy. I stomped over to them. "Raziel, leave Frankie alone. I agreed to this, and I knew what was coming. I can take a few hits."

"That doesn't mean you have to," Raziel said.

"Ugh!" I threw my hands up in the air. "You all are impossible."


After mine and Frankie's fight, Frankie decided to go out and get groceries. I didn't worry about him. He was very powerful after all. I was pretty sure he could take out anyone in this city.

When he didn't return hours later, I did start to get worried. I called Raziel to me. "I'm worried about Frankie. He should have been back by now," I said. Raziel looked troubled, too. "If he's not back in an hour, I'm going to look for him."

"Be careful."

"I always am."


It didn't take me long to find remnants of Frankie's power. I also found a bag of groceries spilled on the path. Something had happened to Frankie as I had feared. My heart gave a painful thud.

I clenched my fists when I noticed two men farther up the path. They grinned at me as I glanced from the groceries to them. "You must be looking for that blond man," the man with glasses said.

"I am. I'm assuming you took him," I glared at them.

The man cheerfully stuck his hands in his pockets. "I did. And now I'm going to take you," He created a great smoke around me. "Don't worry. It'll just make you do as I say."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. As if. But I needed to figure out where they were keeping Frankie, so I would play along for now.

My fists unfurled as I school my face into a blank expression. Without a word, I followed the man to whom I was sure was his boss and, more importantly, my brother.

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