Chapter 49

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I wasn't a big fan of the heads I was able to turn with Raizel. As I walked into studio Sui was working in with him, every head in the place turned to look at us. I kept my chin high as murmurs about how pretty we were ran through the surrounding people.

I noticed the girl the children had decided to come see staring at Raizel. Anger ran through my veins. One look in her mind and I could see the inappropriate thoughts she was having about my Raizel. I also could tell how much she hated the children.

Regis pulled up a seat for Raziel. In an out of character move, I sat on Raziel's lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. Everyone looked at us in shock, even the children and the nobles. Ignoring them, I pressed a chaste kiss to Raziel's lips. His cheeks aflame, he adjusted me, so I wouldn't fall out of his lap. The girl's gaze left us.

An embarrassed Raziel's voice echoed in my head. What is this all about? I could tell he was confused as I hardly ever showed such blatant affection in public.

That girl Sui is working with had the most vulgar thoughts about you. I thought I'd let her know you were claimed.

A bit of amusement shone through the embarrassment. Rai-Lin, are you jealous?

No, I'm just protective. I shot down the idea immediately.

Well, my heart belongs only to you.

My lips tugged upwards as I nuzzled my face into his neck.

Raizel and I were sitting in the dark living room, Raizel flipping through a notebook, when the little brothers came meandering by. They were muttering about how dark it was when they noticed us. Their eyes grew wide at the sight of Raizel, and they started to walk away. I stood fluidly before I leaned down and kissed Raizel on the cheek. "I'll be back, my love."

I found my little brothers on the balcony, though I hung back in the shadows. They were talking about upgrading their formation until M said he was the problem. Before I could interfere, Takio soothed M's fears. I nearly gave myself away when Tao dashed off to get Regis and me because I was smothering laughter at Tao's enthusiasm. Also, because he wouldn't be able to find me. Once he was gone, I stepped out of the shadow, still chortling.

M and Takio's heads whipped to me. I clutched my sides. "I don't think Tao is going to find me easily," I said. Takio and M's lips twitched into smiles.

"How long have you been standing there?" M asked.

I shrugged. "Pretty much since you've been out here. And, M, Takio's right. If you push your body too much, it will only cause you to suffer, if not die. I know it is hard but be patient. Besides," I cracked a smile. "Being powerful isn't all that great. It just means you have a target on your back all the time. It can get tiring."

"But because I wasn't strong enough, we couldn't fight Rael, couldn't even hold him off long enough for Frankenstein to arrive."

Placing a hand on M's shoulder, I said, "I am stronger than you, and I couldn't hold Rael off for long without attacking him. You should not beat yourself up. It does more harm than good."

M looked down at me with vulnerable eyes. "I just...I thought you were going to die, that I was going to have to live without my big sister, who had shown me the meaning of love and home. It was a terrible feeling."

Without a word, I embraced him in a hug. I also reached out an arm to Takio, who joined quickly. I held my little brothers to me as if there was no tomorrow. In this moment, everything was all right.

I pulled away first, smiling. "I keep being told that it would be horrible without me, but I'm not sure why. Are you guys going to miss my fabulous hair? Or is it my wonderful sense of humor? Maybe, it's my doll-like looks. Possibly-"

I was cut off by Tao bursting back onto the balcony with Regis in tow. "Guys, I can't find Rai-Lin," Tao stopped as he noticed me standing on the balcony. Letting go of Regis, Tao put his hands on his hips. "How long have you been here, while I've been searching the house for you?"

I smirked. "I've been here since before you set out to search for me."

His face grew red. "You mean, you let me search, knowing full well I wouldn't find you?"

The smirk widened. "Well, you could have asked Raizel. I'm sure he would have told you," I glance behind him at Regis. "Nice pajamas. They're almost as good as Tao's pillow." Regis turned red and started muttering to himself.

"Hey!" Tao yelled.

"Hush now before you disturb Raizel," I ordered before cracking my knuckles. "Now, don't we have a meeting to get underway?"

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