Chapter 51

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Raizel liked walks. He always had, even if he was directionally challenged. He wanted to take one tonight, having approached Frankie and me to ask if we wanted to come with him. We agreed, of course. The three of us often took walks together in Lukedonia to let the cool night air wash over us and clear our minds.

The air wasn't as clean here, but it was good enough to make me feel alive. Raizel stood by my side as we surveyed the world below from atop a building. Frankie stood behind us, worry oozing off of him. I understood his worry well, for I shared it. Raizel had used more power than he should have in Lukedonia. Even now, as I grasped his hand in mine, I could feel how he was weaker than before.

Frankie finally spoke up. "Master, why don't you take a short nap? Of course, the sanctuary at Lukedonia is much better, least you're at home."

I squeezed Raizel's hand as he said, "Frankenstein."

"Yes, master."

"I would like to see more of this, and I want to enjoy the life you prepared for me."

My heart gave a painful clench. Frankie had worked so hard to make sure when I found Raizel that Raizel would have the life he always wanted. I knew how much Frankie and Raizel meant to each other, how much one would be hurt if the other perished. I knew how much Raizel appreciated Frankie.

Raizel glanced back at Frankie. "Am I being greedy?"


"I'm always worrying you."

"Not at all, sir," Frankie said, looking at him with sad eyes.

"What about me?" I asked Frankie with a grin, trying to break the oppressing and sad atmosphere. "Do you worry about me?"

"Depends on if you are doing something stupid or not," Frankie teased. He already seemed happier. I could also see the hint of a smile on Raizel's face.

I put my free hand to my heart. "Me? Do something stupid? Never."

Before we could continue bickering, Raizel's phone rang. "Is it...the alarm?" Frankie asked with some concern.

"It's time for snacks," Raizel began to pull on my hand. He leapt off to another building, me in tow.

I giggled as Frankie called out to us. "Master, it's not...that way. It's the other way."


Once we arrived home, we were briefed on the information Tao had found out. I was quite distressed to find out that our modified humans worked not only in the KSA but worked directly with the Union. Such troublesome news, especially since Shinwu and Ikhan were involved.

"This support program is recruiting KSA agents?" Frankie asked, stroking his chin.

Tao explained everything, while I walked over to the computer and started typing. I wasn't the greatest computer nerd in the world, but I knew enough. Tao stopped midsentence when he noticed what I was doing and tried to shoo me away from his precious computer. "What are you doing?" he squawked.

I waved him away. "Seeing if my hunch was correct." Pulling up the pictures of their candidates, I sat back in satisfaction. On the screen were Shinwu and Ikhan.

Raizel's eyes grew sad as M swore. "Damn...why do they always get involved in these kind of things?"

"Things are complicated now because we can't just stop them. We'd be interfering with in a KSA investigation. They very well might find out about us. No, they will have to clash with us first," I frowned and turned to Frankie. "What do you want to do, big brother?"

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