Chapter 43

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I gently placed my hands on Rael's head. Lazark had let him go. "You were defending Lukedonia."

Rael bowed his head. "But I hurt you, you who has taken care of me since birth."

Playing with his hair, something he had liked since he was a baby, I said, "You were sadistic, but that is something you can work on. Open your heart and allow yourself to love."

"I will try, Aunt. I don't want to let you down."

I removed my hands from his head and grabbed his forearms, gently pulling him to his feet. I pressed a kiss to his forehead. "The only way you can let me down is if you don't try," Rael's eyes filled with tears, and I wrapped him in a hug, ignoring the pain it caused. I noticed Lazark watching us and held out my arm for him as well. He all but threw himself into my arms. "Your father would be so proud of both of you," I whispered. They hugged me closer.

Once we pulled apart, I motioned for M, Tao, and Takio to come forward. They did so hesitantly. I slung my arms around Tao and Takio's shoulders. "Lazark, Rael, I'd like for you to meet my little brothers, Tao, Takio, and M-21, though I call him M."

Rael's mouth dropped open. "But they are modified humans."

"What do you think I am?" I asked. Rael immediately began apologizing. "They were experimented on against their will, just like I was, so I took them under my wing. Now, they're my little brothers."

I could tell from the sparkle in Lazark's eyes that he was smiling beneath his mask. "I'm glad you aren't alone anymore, Aunt."

My eyes glazed over as I took in his words. "No, I am not alone anymore."

A great beam of light illuminated the world. I stared at it, feeling the energy pulse from it. "Raizel," I whispered.

Lazark turned to face me. "Uncle Raizel? He is here? That's not good. Everyone but Gechutel and Karius thinks him a traitor."

"That's why I'm going to transport us straight to the castle," I said grimly.

Lazark's eyes widened. "Aunt, there are too many of us."

"I will do what I must," I looked around. "Everyone put your hand on me." They did as I ordered. I gathered all my energy to me, and we were gone from the outside.

We reappeared in the castle of the Lord. Long ago, the former Lord had altered the wards enough I could transport in. It was easier than trying to corral the directionally challenged Raizel.

I stumbled a little as we appeared, though I did not fall. A large amount of my energy had been taken but not enough I was helpless. I could still fight if need be.

I immediately took off running. If Raizel was using his power, I didn't want to think about it. I pushed my body to the limit as I rushed towards the sanctuary. I ran through the open door to see Raizel locked in battle with the current Lord. "My love," I cried. Raizel looked back at me, at the blood that soaked my clothes. I was amazed at the fact I was still on my feet. "My love, this is enough. Please, stop."

He turned back to the Lord and spoke to her. I sighed, knowing that this was part of his plan. I shouldn't interfere. I bit my lip as the Lord attacked him with even more power. He avoided it, though the shield protecting the nobles shattered. I had placed a barrier around my family, who had come in behind me.

I watched as Raizel presented the Lord with the other half of Ragnarök. "Keep in mind that you are the Lord," he said.

"Why do you have this?" the Lord asked.

"The former Lord gave it to him," Frankie and I said as the same time. We approached carefully, both of us generating new clothes.

"Frankenstein," the Lord greeted. She glared at me. "You, I don't know."

"Of course, you do, Raskeria. You just don't remember. None of you do, which is the way I needed it. For now, I will say my name is Rai-Lin, and I am Raizel's wife." I came up to Raizel's side, looped my arm through his, and kissed his cheek.

Frankie started to go on with the formalities as I checked on Raizel. You were foolish to use that much power.

I did what I had to.


"Frankenstein, cut the manner crap. First of all, explain what you've said about the former Lord leaving the sword to him." the Lord ordered.

I listened as Frankie explained everything that happened, still keeping my little brothers behind a shield that hid them along with Lazark. Rael had left not long before. I could feel their impatience, so I reached out to their minds. I will let you out when all of this is settled. The last thing we need is another fight over you all. As for you Laz, your time is coming You may step through the shield now. I thought as Frankie said,

"I don't know anything, but there was another case of a soul weapon that was divided into two pieces."

Lazark stepped out of my shield. He inclined his head to Raizel and me before turning to the Lord. "Lazark, is this true?" the Lord asked.

"Yes, Kertia's soul weapons was divided into two, given to me and my little brother Rael." Lazark bowed his head again.

"How is this possible?" the Lord asked.

I waved a hand airily. "Well, the technicalities are long and tedious. You should just know that it is possible."

The Lord turned to me. "How do you know this?"

"Because," I said with a smile. "I helped Rayga figure out how to do it. I was friends with many of the former family leaders, along with the Lord himself. I know all of you, and you knew me; however, I had to block your memories of me for both of our protections after I went to search for Raziel, who had been asleep for 820 years."

Shock filled the large room before the Lord asked, "Cadis Etrama di Raizel, were you really asleep for 820 years?"

Raizel's eyes were sad, so I rubbed my hand up and down his arm. "Yes," he said. My heart ached at the sadness in that one word.

"Then, why did you give me the Ragnarök my father gave you?" The Lord held the blade in a tight grip.

"It was yours from the beginning."

The Lord lowered her head. "Why do you say this is mine? The former Lord left this to you."

Raizel looked up at the structure above us made from the former Lord. His eyes grew even sadder.  "That's the reason I came here. I was to find out the reason why he left me the Ragnarök."

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