Chapter 63

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A/N: Hey, everyone! Sorry for the late update. School has started up again, so I haven't much time for anything other than that. But I had a little free time today, so I thought I would give you all an update. Hope you all enjoy.


For a moment, my head spun bad enough I thought I was going to end up in the floor. There was a cool hand on my elbow, steadying me. I sent Raizel a grateful look. He gave me a small smile in return. "Easy, my love."

I huffed. "When have I ever been known to take things easy?"

"It's been a long time since you have been a position such as this. You should not push too hard."

"I'm going to see the rest of my family. I miss them." I took a step forward on wobbly legs.

M was on my other side. His brows were drawn together in worry, but he tried to crack a joke. "Well, at this rate," he said as I took another baby step. "we might make it up there before tomorrow."

Feeling childish, I stuck my tongue out at him. "I'm doing the best I can. My body just wants to move with old lady like speed."

"I'm afraid M is right, my love," I glanced over at Raizel, my lips parting. "So, I suppose I will just have to carry you." Raizel picked me up before I could protest. He was very gentle as though I could break at any second.

I looped my arms around Raizel's neck and sighed contently. "Well, I suppose being carried by the noblesse isn't too bad."

Raziel arched an eyebrow. "I hope it isn't bad at all."

I laughed. "There is hope for you in the humor department yet, my love."

This time, Raizel chuckled, a deep and wonderful sound. I gazed at him in adoration as he said, "Perhaps."

Raizel carried me to the upper part of the house as if I weighed nothing. My head laid on Raizel's shoulder. M was a half-step behind us, and I smiled lazily at him. He offered a small smile back.

It wasn't long before my family came into view. They were all congregated in the dining room. Takio and Tao sat together with Seira and Regis sitting across from them. They all looked haggard and tired. Frankie stood by himself, urging the others to eat. There was a plate of untouched food in front of everyone but Frankie.

Right as we were about to enter, Frankie slammed his hands on the table. I signaled for Raizel and M to stop. "What the hell is wrong with you all? Do you think Rai-Lin would want you all to act like this: not eating, barely sleeping, talking only when spoken to? I understand that what happened with Rai-Lin had shaken you all, but she will be fine.

"When she wakes up, do you want her to see you all like this? Do you not think she will blame herself? I know my sister, and the second she sees you all as these shells, she will feel responsible. Now, I know you don't want her to feel like that when she wakes up again."

Takio stood up, sending his chair flying backwards. "How can you be so sure she will wake up again? It's been three days since she has moved at all let alone woke up. Every time I go down there, she's as pale and dead looking as ever. So, how can you be so sure?" Tears brimmed in his eyes.

I wiggled out of Raizel's grip. Now on my own two feet, I stepped into the room. "You should have more faith, Takio. I will not die so easily."

Takio whirled around, while Tao literally fell over trying to spin around to see me. Regis and Seira shot to their feet as well. "Rai-Lin," Takio whispered. The tears overflowed.

Moving as fast as I could without causing myself pain, I took Takio's hands in my own. I placed one over my beating heart. "Do you feel that?" I asked, and Takio nodded. "That is my heart beating, and it will not stop anytime soon. It will continue to beat because I have a family to take care of and fight for. I cannot afford for it to stop beating. I will stand by my family's side until they send me away."

"I will never send you away, Rai-Lin," Takio said adamantly.

"Good," I removed his hand from my heart. "Now, I would hug all of you, but I'm pretty sure it would hurt. Instead, I will do this." I reached up and cuffed Takio in the back of the head. "In the words of my older brother, 'what the hell is wrong with you all?' You should be eating a lot to make up for what I couldn't eat, you should be sleeping, and you should be talking to make up for my missing presence. You shouldn't be moping just because I had to recover. Next time, I'll have to rush my healing process just to make sure you all aren't being idiots."

"Next time?" Regis squeaked.

"Yes, next time. I will live a very long time. I'm bound to get hurt again," I crossed my arms. "Now, the rest of you line up. Don't think you are going to get away without a good hit like Takio got."

Tao, Regis, and Seira exchanged looks as no one moved. I tapped my foot impatiently. "Come now, don't make me chase you down. I'm sure that would put me back a day in recovery. And, M, don't think I forgot about you."

Their shoulders slouched as they moved into a line. I heard Frankie chuckle as I cuffed each one of them in the back of the head. When I was done, I brushed my hands on. "That's what you all get. Now, sit down and eat your supper. I'm going to find some cereal."

"You sit as well, Rai-Lin," Frankie ordered. "I will get your cereal."

"Plenty of milk, Frankie," I called as he went into the kitchen. I sat in the chair Raizel pulled out for me. Everyone resumed their previous positions.

Regis leaned across the table toward me. "How are you feeling?"

"Mentally? Like I could take on anyone who dared challenge me. Physically, I feel as if I might get my ass kicked by whoever challenged me. But still, I am much better than I was three days ago. I couldn't even sit up then," I pointed at him. "Now, all of you need to eat before your food gets any colder."

"We were waiting for you to have your food," Seira said quietly.

I waved a hand. "While that is appreciated, the longer you all go without food, the more anxious I get. I don't know when the last time you all ate was, but it seems as if it has been a while."

"Very well." Seria picked up her fork and took a bite of eggs. The others followed suit.

I tapped my fingers on the table, waiting for Frankie to bring me my cereal. My stomach rumbled, causing everyone to pause and look at me. "What?" I asked defensively. "I haven't eaten in almost a week. What do you expect?"  They smirked and returned to their food, the boys tearing at it like ravenous dogs.

Frankie came back shortly after with my cereal. He had gotten the chocolate flavored, my favorite kind. Milk was nearly to the top of the bowl. I couldn't help but let out a small squeal at the sight of it.

Frankie chuckled. "I'll take it I did good." He set the bowl in front of me, careful not to slop out any of the milk.

I clapped my hands together like a child. "You did wonderful, Frankie. Thank you."

"Anything for my baby sister."

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