Chapter 54

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The next day, I went to school as usual, even though I was still tired and Frankie begged me not to go. We argued for ten minutes before he said I could attend. So, here I was, sitting in class with Raizel at my side.

I felt them long before I would have had a chance to see them. The two KSA agents were back. Without a thought, I rose from my seat, used my mind to convince the teacher it was okay for me to leave class, and drifted down the hallway. I could feel Raizel's questioning presence in the back of my mind. I only told him I had something I needed to look into because I knew he would never let me face them in the state I was in.

I exited the school to see M walking away from Yeonsu and Sangin. Yeonsu furiously got out of the car she was in. "So you're saying we should just give up on our mission and leave because of a guy like that?" She threw a look contempt in M's direction.

My protectiveness kicked in as I strolled up to the scene. "I think that's exactly that he is saying, minus the guy like that part. You'll find M is a wonderful person as long as you don't make him angry," I drawled, smirking. I noticed M's eyes widen. "I thought we made it abundantly clear that you are no longer welcome here."

"You again," Yeonsu growled.

"Me," I agreed cheerfully. "I'd appreciate it if you would leave. I'd rather not have to kick your ass again.'

Yeonsu ground her teeth. "I underestimated you once before. It will not happen again."

"I'm sure it won't; however, that doesn't mean you won't get your ass handed to you anyway." I laughed at her livid expression. Before she could do anything, her partner grabbed her hand.

As they talked, M moved over to me to whisper in my ear, "What are you doing here?"

I kept my eyes on the KSA agents as I replied mentally, I couldn't resist a bit of fun.

You need to rest, not get into an altercation. His mental voice dripped with concern.

Relax. I'll be fine. This isn't the first time something like last night has happened. As long as I don't use too much power, I needn't worry. Now, go provoke them. I mentally giggled.

M grunted at me before turning his attention to the KSA agents. "Hey, you told me to wait. You want me to wait while you guys talk?"

"You're funny," Yeonsu said, walking towards us. M pushed me a little behind him. "You think you can do whatever you want because you are special security? No matter what you say, you're just a security guard." She was almost in M's face.

M looked down at her with a bored expression. "What does that have to do with me telling you to leave?"


"Leave if you have nothing to say."

"No, what if I insist on seeing the chairman?"

With the same bored expression, M said, "Then I have no choice but to do my job."

Yeonsu smiled. "That's funny. Try doing your job then," she said. M didn't move. "What? You don't fight girls? Will you move once you get your face punched in by a girl?"

Yeonsu moved but so did M, dragging me out of the way as well. I backed up as Yeonsu and him began to fight. I watched intently before I felt Yeonsu use a bit of power. I snagged my bottom lip between my teeth, knowing what M would do. He caught her fist with one hand.

Sangin made to move towards the fight with the intent to harm M radiating from his mind, but I blocked him. I shook my head mockingly. "You know, I thought you had more sense than your wife," I said. His eyes widened. I grinned at him. "It was painfully obvious that you two were married. I must ask though. Why marry someone as reckless and stupid as her? She should know better than to take on one of my guards."

Rage crossed Sangin's face at my stupid comment. Good, I had riled him up, kept him focused on me. Now, I wouldn't have to worry about him attempting to hurt M. My grin turned innocent. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I offend you? I'd say I didn't mean what I said, but I did." I ducked out of the way of Sangin's blow. "Is that the best you've got?" I asked.

A snarl left his lips as he began a complicated series of movements that my eyes easily followed. I dodged every one of his blows, using a few flips to show off a bit. He may have been modified, but he was nothing compared to me, even in my weakened state. "You sure are slow," I teased. "Maybe that's why you married Yeonsu."

I finally did it. I managed to enrage him enough to cause him to use his power. He drove his fist towards my stomach while I just stood there. I wanted to see how much strength he really had. It would help if we ever got into a serious fight where we were actually trying to kill each other.

Right before he made contact, I felt myself tackled out of the way. Takio angled his body, so he hit the ground, while I landed on top of him. Tao stood before Sangin, looking extremely angry. "What do you think you are doing? Do you think you can just hit an underage student?" Tao demanded.

I got off Takio and offered him a hand up. "You know I had that well in hand. I just wanted to see how wimpy of a hitter he was. I had hoped he could at least hit better than his wife. Neither one of their punches would particularly hurt."

"You little-" Sangin began.

"Bitch, I know." I waved a hand airily. "No one comes up with anything original these days."

Yeonsu walked over to her husband's side while M walked over to us. Tao and Takio stood in front of M and I. M's mouth was set in a hard line. "I suggest you all leave now before this escalates even more."

Sangin, seeming to calm down a little, said, "Okay, we will make an appointment, and come back." They began to walk towards their car.

"Don't bother," I called at their retreating backs. "I doubt my brother will want to see you after this." Their shoulders stiffened but they said nothing as they got into their car and drove off.

Takio glanced over his shoulder at M. "M, you okay?"

M looked at his hand and said nothing.

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