Chapter 13

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Cereal was the best thing ever. Raziel, I was sure, thought his noodles were better. Pfft. He was wrong.

I stopped shoving cereal in my face when Frankie's phone rang. He picked it up. "You called sooner than expected. I didn't expect to hear from you for a while. Wanted to check if I answered?" Frankie asked.

"I didn't know I'd be calling this soon either."

"What do you want?"

"Remember the girl you met earlier?" My stomach clenched. I should have killed her.

"I remember."

"Her code name is Marie. She wouldn't have came forward, even if Jake was wounded. But this time, she's out, looking for the girl in person. No idea why, but the focus seems to be on the girl alone, not the organization we were after. It's also suspicious that she's moving on her own. She may be alone, but watch out. She's totally different from Jake."

"You're too kind to be giving me all this info," Frankie said sarcastically. I hit him on the shoulder. There was a time and a place. He shot daggers at me.

"I'm not doing this because I like it," the man said, oblivious to what was transpiring between Frankie and me. "Don't wander around and get caught." He clicked off.

"They are on the move," Frankie told Raziel. Raziel said nothing, just looked at his food. Frankie glanced down in alarm. "Master, what's wrong? Why won't you eat?"

Raziel hummed. "I'm waiting for it to be double."

I laughed at the look of terror on Frankie's face. 


Standing on top of buildings at night was pleasant. You could feel the breeze blow through your hair all while observing anything and everything. Right now, though, I was having anything but a pleasant time. I was being forced to watch Marie kill. I opened my mouth to talk, but Frankie beat me to it. "Master, shall we move now?"

"Nothing had changed. Taking a life to fufill the goal..." Raziel's eyes were sadder than usual.


"Let's go back."

"What?" I blurted. "She just killed those men. They might not have been innocent, but they were still people. And now we're just gonna let her walk away? I won't."

Raziel sighed. "You let your anger cloud your judgement. You need to clear your mind."

"I should at least tail her." I crossed my arms.

"No," Raziel's voice was sharp, and it was then I knew he was afraid. He never let his emotions show unless he was afraid for me. "You're the one she wants. You should not face her alone. I will not have you in danger alone."

I bowed my head, wanting to push the issue but also not wanting to upset Raziel. I would wait for now. Still, I hated that lives had to be paid. 


On our way back to the house, I spotted our new allies and pointed them out. Raziel nodded, leading us to land on the roof behind them. They whirled around, the grey-haired one asking, "Why are you guys here?"

"We were checking the parameter just in case," Frankie dusted off his clothes.

"I told you to lay low, especially her," The man turned a concerned gaze on me before looking back at my brother. "Did you already forget?"

"I thank you for your kindness," I was being serious for once. Raziel walked between the two men, who stared at him in awe.

"I have a question for you," Frankie let his stare bore into the grey-haired man,

He looked away. "You want too much."

"Don't answer if you don't feel like it." My musical voice was quiet.

The man glanced at me. "Let's hear it."

"You guys and other members accused us of stealing a coffin, I want to know what was the matter?" I wanted to pry the answers from his head, but knew that would be a very bad idea.

"Why would you want to know that?" Confusion twisted his features.

"We want to know the reason that caused us all this trouble." I kept my face open and honest. After all, it was the truth, just not all of it.

"That's all. We're after the guys who stole something that belongs to the organization. Then, we met you and got confused by bumping into such powerful guys," He paused and inclined his head to me. "and girl like you. We thought you stole it."

"That something is the coffin?" Frankie clarified.

"That's right."

"Why did they steal the coffin?"

"We don't know what they wanted nor do we know who they are...but Marie captured one alive, so we'll find out soon. This one isn't like the one we had. That scumbag was just a carrier," The man set his mouth in a grim line. "That's what is troubling us. It's only a matter of time before they find out those guys have nothing to do with you. And you three are wandering around like this...If Marie or the others see you..." He let his eyes fall on me.

Raziel started walking back towards us. As he did so, Frankie threw an envelope at the men. I looked at Frankie. "Hey, I wanted to do that.

Frankie's lips turned up into a half smile. "Why?"

"Because you always get to do the stuff that makes you look cool. Why can't I do it for a change?"

"Because I'm cooler than you."

I growled. "Wait until I get my hands on you." I started forward only for Raziel to step between us. He motioned for Frankie to go ahead.

Frankie turned his attention back to the men, who were looking amused, "It's a safe house. You'll find the location and the key there."

"Safe house?" All traces of humor were gone. "You guys know the location and you think we will feel safe and hide there?"

"Better is you don't need it, but it won't hurt to have one just in case. Think of it as returning the favor." Frankie started to walk away.

"Excuse us." I bowed before joining my brother and Raziel.


We stood overlooking the city, a sadness surrounding us. It was a sadness about what was lost. "The human world has changed a lot. But there are somethings that haven't changed. Perhaps it's not only the humans," Raziel stared at the human world below. "Frankenstein, Rai-Lin."

"Yes," we chorused."

"I want to be alone for a while."

"But," Frankie began, but Raziel was immovable. "Yes, master."

"I am not leaving you." I set my hands on my hips.

"Please." The word was so sad it almost broke me.

"I will leave your side, but I will watch from afar." I pulled my mask over my mouth before disappearing into the shadows.

I watched as Raziel jumped from the building we were on to a different one. He looked so forlorn, watching the world that had passed him by. Frankie was watching as well, the pain in his eyes raw. He knew what I knew. Raziel was lost. Perhaps in more way than one.

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