Chapter 46

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The overwhelming energy of the Lord could be felt even in slumber. I jerked awake as her energy entered the mansion. While I had grown so accustomed to Raizel's power that it no longer bothered me, the Lord's energy was suffocating.

As I blinked sleepily, I knew better than to stretch. My brief sleep would not have been enough to heal my wounds. I could feel the throbbing of the knife wound in my stomach with every breath I took.

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. The movement caused a spike of pain to drive through me sharp enough I almost bent over. Taking deep breaths, I made my way out of my room.

I ran into Frankie in the hallway. He took one look at me and clucked his tongue. "Rai-Lin, you shouldn't be out of bed. You need more rest."

I rolled my eyes. "How can I rest when I can feel the Lord's energy bearing down upon me?" I made to brush past him, but he grabbed my arm in a gentle grip.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I was just scared. The thought of a world without you in it is a bleak world indeed for me and Master." His eyes were honest with a hint of fear.

I leaned over and kissed Frankie's cheek. "I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have acted so rashly. But you must understand, I helped raise Rael while you were off sparring with Rayga. To fight him-"

"Was one of your worst nightmares coming true. I understand. I just hope you can understand where Master and I were coming from."

"I do, and I would never want to leave you all. But I am a protector just as you two are." I took a strained breath.

"Enough. We can talk about this later. You are overexerting yourself," Frankie offered me his arm. "May I escort you to dinner?"

"Yes, sir, you may."

Frankie led me to the formal dining area, where we found everyone, including the Lord, gathered. I bowed my head to her as we entered. "I would bow to you more formally, my Lord, but I'm pretty sure I would cry," I said with a grin. I noticed Raizel frown but ignored it.

The Lord looked at me, at my painfilled posture, and nodded. "I understand that Rael stabbed you."

"He did, thinking that he was protecting his brother and Lukedonia, Lord. I cannot fault him for that," I said, hoping she wouldn't want to punish the young Kertia.

"Neither can I, so you may ease your mind. I know how much you care for him, how much you worry for him." There was the barest hint of a smile on her lips.

I inclined my head once more. "Thank you, Lord."

"What will you do now?" she asked of both Raizel and I.

Shrugging, I said, "I will return to the human world. There are matters there that I must tend to, people that I care about, too. I do not know what Raizel will do."

The Lord glanced at Raizel. "Will you stay with us here?"

Everyone grew quiet, their heads bowed, as they waited for Raizel's answer. I, too, waited silently, my breath caught in my throat. At last, he said, "No." I let my breath go.

"What do you mean you won't stay here?" the Lord asked, surprised.

"I am going to go home." My heart filled with joy at the fact he considered Frankenstein's house a home. I had begun seeing it as a home a long time ago. I just wasn't sure about Raizel. I had thought he had but had never confirmed.

"Home?" she repeated. "Where are you staying? I don't understand. Does that place mean that much to you?"

A small smile grew on his face. "That's right. Besides," He locked eyes with me. "My place is by Rai-Lin's side." That smile was strained now.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to throw myself at him or throw up. While I knew his words had been sincere, I also understood the double meaning behind them. I was leaning toward throwing up.

Swallowing my bile, I walked over to Raizel's side. I made to put my hand on his shoulder but thought better of it. "And I will always do my best to stay by yours." I hoped he could understand that I would never want to leave him, but I had been doing what I thought was best.

The Lord cleared her throat, standing up. "I will depart now. I believe that you, Rai-Lin, need more rest."

"Actually, Lord, I would like to come with you to say goodbye to Lazark. I didn't get to last time," And I don't think I could survive not getting to say goodbye this time and something happening. I finished the sentence in my head. I saw Raizel flinch and knew that I had accidentally projected. I also need to say goodbye to Karius. I added, but was met by a wall of silence.

I think the Lord understood my hidden plea because she nodded once. "Very well. Come along," she said, walking out of the room. I followed after her, stopping at the door to send a glance back at Raizel. For the first time since I had first been getting to know him, the eyes that stared back at me were unreadable. I turned and walked out of the room.


I found Lazark and Karius in the castle with the other family leaders. They bowed as the Lord entered before bowing to me. I waved a hand. "You needn't bow to me. I am neither the Lord nor the Noblesse, just the Noblesse's wife," My heart gave a painful thump as I wondered if that would remain true, or if I had pushed Raizel too far. I shook the thought away. Raizel loved me, and I loved him. "I am also human, so I am not as formal as most."

"Yes, Miss Rai-Lin," they mumbled, even Lazark.

I pointed at him. "Lazark, if you ever call me Miss Rai-Lin again, I will personally kick your ass. It's Aunt or Rai-Lin. And the rest of you, please, drop the Miss. It makes me feel old."

"You are old," Karius muttered.

I walked over to him and stepped on his toe hard enough he winced. "What was that?" I asked sweetly.

"I was just talking about how young you are and how beautiful you are looking today," he said quickly.

I let up on his toe. "That's what I thought." I threw my arms around him. "I'm going to miss you."

He pulled back. "You're leaving all ready?" His eyes, which were normally full of joy, were sad.

"Yes, we have matters to take care of back home."

"That's the first time I've heard you refer to that place as home. You must be happy now." A sad smile was on Karius's lips.

"I am, though none of them could ever replace my family here. My family has grown, but none of them will ever be forgotten." I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek before moving on to Lazark.

I noticed everyone file out to give Lazark and me some alone time. When they were gone, Lazark pulled down his mask. His eyes were wide and boyish. "Must you leave? I just got you back."

I brushed a strand of his hair back. "Yes, though I wish I could have more time with you. My heart hurts at the thought of leaving you."

He lowered his eyes. "I'll be okay. It's you I'm worried about. This thing with the Union troubles me. I do not like that you are in the middle of it."

"You always were a caring boy," My hand moved down to cup his cheek. "Worry not. I can take whatever the Union throws at me as long as I know you are safe."

"Then, I will do my best to remain safe for your sake." Lazark bowed his head.

"That's all I ask," I hugged him, loving the feeling of holding him in my arms once again. I hadn't done it since he was a boy. "I love you, Laz, and don't you forget it." I kissed his cheek.

Lazark face was solemn but sincere as he said, "I love you, too, Aunt."

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