Chapter 39

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Two chapters in one day? Who am I? I really missed this story after so much time apart. I still wish that Webtoon hadn't locked it. Alas, it did, so we have a little less than 30 chapters left of what I had written.  I also have a few scenes that were out of order than I might post. I am also considering doing oneshots for the series. If you have any requests , let me know, and I might do them. Thanks for loving this story as much as I have!



Frankie's clothes were completely shredded. I rushed up to him, taking his hand and healing him. When I was done, I turned my gaze to his face. "He used his soul weapon, didn't he?"

Shock flitted across Frankenstein's face. "You knew he had a soul weapon?"

I scoffed. "Of course, I knew. I helped Rayga put his soul into the two weapons. I never thought Rael would use his soul weapon against my brother, but then again, I never thought Rael would turn out the way he did," I glanced around, noticing an absence of energy. "Where is Seira?"

Regis bowed his head. "The Lord has commanded her return."

I understood the unspoken statement. The Lord had commanded Regis stay here, which meant one thing. The Lord had caught on to Gechutel's secrets. I shuddered. We might be going back to Lukedonia sooner than even I thought.

I noticed a slight tremble in Frankie's hand. "Regis, you've had a long day. Perhaps you should get some rest," I said.

Regis seemed to understand that there was something we needed to talk about. He nodded and walked towards his room.

"Is there any way to control that?" Raizel asked of Frankie's trembling hand once Regis left the room. Frankie clenched his hand. "It's acting out because you haven't used your power in a long time. I sealed you power for too long that you will have those nightmares again."

I flinched. Frankie's nightmares were always violent as were my own. I was always there to comfort Frankie since I knew when he was having them. They often seeped into my unconscious state.

"It's nothing, Master," Frankie assured.

Nothing my ass. That stupid dark spear was powerful, but it was nothing like my weapon. The dark spear attempted to eat its owner, to devour its owner's soul. I was always nervous when Frankie handled the thing.

My own weapon had been a curse at first because I didn't know how to control it. Then, I discovered I could take possession of it with my mind. I could shape it, meld it, make it be whatever weapon I wanted. It was useful, though I didn't like to take it out often because of the destructive power it contained.

I was broken out of my thoughts by Raizel saying, "Maybe it's time to return."

Frankie's face was grim. "I will get everything prepared as soon as possible."

I decided not to go with Frankie down to lab to start the experiments. I did tell him to send the boys my sincerest apologies. There was something else I needed to do.

I stood above Raizel, who was drinking his tea. I hovered there for a moment, waiting on him to acknowledge me. He slowly set his tea down and glanced up at me. "What troubles you, my love?"

"I am worried," I admitted. "The nobles don't remember that you existed. Most of them were children when you disappeared. Some weren't even born yet. Others think you a traitor. What if they try to attack you? Even Frankenstein and I cannot fight them all off. We may very well be going to our deaths."

Raizel was silent for a moment. Then, "They may not know me, but they do know you. Give them back their memories. Allow them to remember you and all that you gave to protect them."

"I cannot just do that. I would have to come in contact with each of them individually. If one of them were to get to you before I could make them remember-"

"I can protect myself," he said quietly.

"At what cost?" I yelled, chest heaving. Quieter, I said, "I cannot lose you, Raizel. Not again. The first time was hell enough."

He stood, took my chin in his hands, and lightly brushed his lips across mine. The motion left me breathless. He pulled back, a bit of light in his eyes. "I cannot promise that I won't leave you, but I will promise this: I will try to stay by your side forever."

I didn't respond, just reached up and pulled his lips back down on mine.


I skipped school the next day to help Frankie finish up the experiments. Tao and Takio were currently in great tanks. M was chatting with Frankie. I was staring at Tao and Takio. Even though I knew they had agreed to go through this, I couldn't help but feel bad for them. They didn't ask to be modified humans. They just were unlucky.

Walking up to the tanks, I placed my hands on each one. I remembered a time when I was placed inside one of these against my will. I remembered thrashing as they tried to inject me with the drug that would knock me unconscious. I remembered losing that battle and falling unconscious as they put the oxygen mask over my face. I remembered much, too much.

"Rai-Lin," M called, and I snapped out of my daze. He placed a hand on my shoulder. "Come, we are heading up."

Once we arrived upstairs, I headed to my room. I needed to be alone. Seeing Tao and Takio in those tubes had affected me more than I thought. I threw myself on my bed and curled into the fetal position. Memories rushed through my mind, memories I had tried so hard to forget yet had been unable to. I shuddered as I struggled to keep them back.

Hands rubbed my back, and reassuring words were muttered in my ear. Raizel did not attempt to enter my mind. He knew this was something I need to face on my own.

The memories came in a torrent. I gritted my teeth and began to shove them back, one by one, until they were locked away once more. I let out a frustrated growl and sat up.

Raizel rubbed my thigh to try and calm me down. I stared at him with dead eyes. "Why am I so weak? This happened nearly a millennium ago. Why do I still get these flashbacks?"

"You are not weak. You are strong because you beat these flashbacks every time." His words were quiet but reassuring.

"You're right," I said. Raizel usually was. "I just don't understand why they keep happening."

"Why does anything happen? It just does."

I grinned at him. "When did you get so wise?"

He cracked a rare smile. "I've always been this wise, my love."

"Sure." I tackled him to the bed, peppering his face with kisses. His hands were tight on my waist. I finally leaned down and captured his lips with mine before flopping over and snuggling into his side.

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