Chapter 1

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I let out a sigh as I transported to my final destination. I had been following the thread of his mind from the United States to Seoul, South Korea. It had been a long and exhausting journey because, while I could normally transport anywhere in the world in one attempt, being injured made it much harder. It had taken over ten attempts and many breaks, but it was worth it.

Relief washed over me as I realized where the pull had taken me. This was Frankenstein’s house, which was good because it meant he was not alone. I’d hate for him to be alone.

I felt the dark thrum that always surrounded Frankie. It was a welcomed feeling. While most would see it as threatening, I saw it as safety. Frankie would always mean safety to me.

But Frankenstein’s energy wasn’t the only one I felt. There was one that was as familiar as Frankie's but completely different. It was his energy.

Gripping the hole in my stomach, I had only made it a few steps into the dark room before the light turned on, and I saw the blonde hair that both Frankie and I shared. I grinned. “Hello, big brother.”

“Rai-Lin,” Frankie breathed. His eyes travelled up and down my form. “What happened to you?”

I chuckled despite the pain. “I got distracted, but that doesn’t matter.  He’s here, isn’t he? I can feel his energy.”

Frankie bowed his head. “Indeed, master is here.”

“Take me to him.”

Frank’s eyes widened. “Now? You can barely walk.”

“I don’t care. I need,” My breath hitched. “I need to see him.”

“Okay,” Frankie sighed. He knew how important this was to me. “At least let me help you.”

“There’s no need,” a voice said. And then, he emerged from the next room. His black hair, angular features, and sad eyes were just as I remembered. His voice was quiet as he said, “I am here.”

“Raziel,” I whispered. My legs gave out as the adrenaline holding me up leaked out of me.

Strong arms wrapped around me, easing me to the ground. Raziel looked at me with those sad eyes. His voice echoed inside my head. Let me see. It was a soft but firm command.

My hand left the gaping hole in my stomach as my head was placed in someone’s lap. Frankie. He stroked my hair, muttering about how much of an idiot I was.

Raziel looked me over. The sad look in his eyes never left. How did this happen?

I looked at his face, memorizing it, before answering. I became distracted. It was a mistake on my part.

Was it because of me? he asked. When I did not answer, his eyes became even sadder. He reached down to take some of my blood, but I grabbed his wrist.

When I spoke, it was aloud. “No, Raziel. I know you cannot be at full power. Besides, you know as well as I that my healing rates are extraordinary. I’ll be healed by tomorrow. It’s already stopped bleeding.”

There must have been something in my expression, something that told him I would fight him and hurt myself worse, because he backed off. He glanced at Frankie before picking me up as though I weighed nothing. My love, let us go to bed.

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