Chapter 25

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A/N: Hello, everyone! So, I've been tossing around the idea of doing a Noblesse One-Shot book. What do you all think? I'd still be updating this book, but I thought it might be fun to do the one-shots as well. Let me know what you think and if you have any requests in the comments below. I'm not guaranteeing that I will do the one-shots, but I wanted to run it by you all first before I even attempt it. Thank you all so much for loving this little book, and without further ado, let's get into it. 



A day and a half passed, and I left briefly to get food and drink but never went far. I just sat in the shadows, waiting, until I noticed the enemy carrying the kids and Regis over their shoulders. That's when I decided to act.

I transported right up to where the others were, still in the shadows. I took everything in. Four of the five guys were here. The fifth, the one I had saved, was on the rooftop. The kids were awake, thank goodness, though Regis was unconscious and cuffed. They must have used the kids to get to him.

I stood by as long as I could, trying to give Frankie time to get here. Then, the one named Shark slammed Shinwu's head in the ground. I decided to have a little fun. What do you think you're doing? He whipped around, trying to find my voice. Do you think beating kids up makes you tough? If anything, it makes you weak.

"Where are you?" Shark howled. He grabbed at his skull. "Get out of my head."

Now, why should I do that?

"Shark," the leader, Crans, grabbed Shark's shoulder. "What's going on?"

"There's someone in my head!" The words were a howl.

I noticed M's eyes widened as Crans looked at his soldiers. "Shark, have you lost it?" Crans asked.

The fat guy seemed thoroughly bored. "I'm going to go get some food from the safe house. Don't finish them while I'm gone." He walked right past me and never saw me.

"Noisy," Regis groaned. "It's so noisy...I can't sleep."

Yes, Shark, do stop being so noisy.

"Shut up!"

Knowing that my best chance to attack would be while the big guy was gone, I sent my blue powers blasting at the three remaining enemies. I stepped out of the shadows with a pleasant smile on my face. "Sorry, Shark. I can't do that," Shark looked up at me with fear. "You see, you decided to hurt my friends and torture my little brother. I don't think I can let that slide."

"You little," Shark charged me.

I looked him right in the eye and took a page out of Raziel's book. "Kneel."

He hit his knees. "What is this?" he cried. "I can't move my body."

"Now, you will pay for what you've done," I summoned my power around my hand and drove it forward. A hand clamped down on my wrist. I looked at Crans. "Did you really just interrupt Shark's execution?" I swung my leg up and clocked him upside the head. He staggered back.

Now free of my mind control, Shark began to circle me, Tao and Crans joining in as well. "You may be strong, but there are three of us and only one of you," Crans said.

"So what? It just makes it a little challenging, nothing too major," I cackled. "You should be thanking me. After all, I saved the guy with the long hair's life. He's worth saving, unlike you and Shark."

"What about Tao?" Crans asked.

"That's for him to decide." Then, I lunged at Crans.

We locked in a vicious battle. Crans was far stronger than anything I had faced in a long time. While I had fought several enemies in my search for Raziel, they were mostly on the lower end of the chain of power. Crans was definitely higher up.

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