Chapter 37

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A disturbance at the main gate had me rushing out of class. Only a noble could make that kind of disturbance. As I neared, I recognized the energy and flinched. What was Rael doing here?

I transported to where the energy was coming from just in time to see Rael move and M gasp in pain. I rushed to M's side, took his hand in mine, and healed him. Rael only laughed. "Another filthy human toy."

I grit my teeth. I knew Rael had some problems, but I didn't realize it was this bad. It broke my heart. "I am neither filthy nor a toy," I said calmly.

"Oh, but you are, giving everything up for power. It's pathetic," Rael spat.

Without turning to look away from Rael, I said, "You guys get out of here. I'll handle this child."

"Child?" A vein was popping in Rael's forehead. "How dare you call me a child?"

I shrugged. "Well, you're acting like one. I just assumed you were."

"I'll kill you here right after I kill your friend for running away," Rael was a blur as he rushed M again, but so was I. I grabbed Rael's wrist when it was inches away from M's body. I flung Rael halfway across the school yard. He landed on his feet. "You're not like those other three. You're stronger. Maybe you'll give me a real fight."

"I'm not going to fight you," I said simply.


I was spared answering by the arrival of Regis and Seira. I turned my back on Rael and walked over to my little brothers. I remained by their side, resisting the urge to attack when Rael grabbed Regis by the throat. This wasn't the Rael I knew. The sweet, innocent kid who used to follow me around and draw me pictures was long gone, replaced by this corrupt thing. I wondered how long it would take me to get him back, if I ever did.

I watched what happened with a vague sort of detachment. I didn't move, even when Rael left. I just kept staring at the spot where he had stood. It wasn't until Tao waved a hand in front of my face that I finally broke down and cried.

My little brothers exchanged concerned glances. I don't think they had ever seen me cry before. I pressed a hand over my mouth as I sobbed, the other arm wrapped around my midsection. My shoulders shook. Then, Takio moved to hug me, and I soon found myself in a group hug of Takio, M, and Tao.

Huddled in their embrace, I hiccupped, "Can we...can we just go home?"

The three pulled back and Takio pushed my hair back. "Of course, I'll let the boss know."


I ended up on the couch, a steaming cup of tea in my hands and a blanket around my shoulders. "Who was that?" Tao asked.

"Rael Kertia," I answered, causing everyone to look at me. "He's a pure blood noble, whose been alive for over 500 years. I helped raise him when he was a baby. I changed his diapers. I loved him, and now he's turned into that." I looked at Ragis and Seira. "Please tell me that Lazark is nothing like his brother."

Seira's voice was quiet. "Lazark is nothing like Rael. He is quite solemn but is a good leader. He was the one who sentenced Rael."

A small smile pulled at my lips. "I always knew he would be a wonderful leader."

Regis burst out, "You've been to Lukedonia?"

"Indeed. I used to live there. It is a beautiful place. I miss it." My eyes started to water again.

Takio got us back on track. "What did Lazark sentence Rael for?"

"Ten years ago, Rael proposed to Seira and got rejected. He couldn't control his anger and destroyed everything around him." Regis's eyes were slits.

"He propped to Seira and got rejected?" Takio checked.

"Yes, flat out rejected."

"He's not my type," Seira said. If it had been any other situation, I would have laughed.

Frankie and Raizel entered the room. "Everyone here?" Frankie asked. "Someone visited the school?"

"It was Rael Kertia," I said, my hands started to shake hard enough that tea sloshed out of my cup. M took it from me before I could scald myself too bad. He wiped off what had gotten on my shirt, but in doing so, showed Frankie the blood on his suit.

Frankie's eyes grew big as Raizel sat down. "What happened?"

"I couldn't do anything," M said.

"He just attacked," Tao added.

"A pure blood attacked you for no reason at school?" Frankie asked.


Frankie lost control of his power for a moment, causing everyone but me and Raizel to cower back. "Frankenstein," Raizel said.

"I'm sorry, Master. I didn't mean to..."

"You should pay him a visit."

Frankie's expression darkened. "Yes, master."

"Brother," I said as Frankie started to walk away. Frankie stopped. "Let me come with you."

"No," It was Raizel who spoke. "I do not want you out there in your current state. Stay here."

Normally, I would have argued, would have fought, but I was too drained to do so. I bowed my head. "As you wish," I turned to Frankie again. "Promise me you won't hurt him badly. He may be messed up right now, but I still love him."

Frankie didn't turn as he said, "I will do my best."

And I knew he would.

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