Chapter One: Hush-Hush

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"Good morning, Lucretia! Come on, up we get! It's a gorgeous day outside." says a joyous womanly voice that echos through the room.

"I have come to the conclusion that you utterly despise me, mother." I say half asleep as my mother barges through my door and opens my curtains to let the early morning sunlight cancel out the darkness of my room that my eyes were so beautifully adapted to.

"Oh, come now, Lu! Why do you have to be such a grump?" My mother says with a giggle as she sits on the head of my bed stroking my arm.

"Oh, mother, please, stop that! It's too early for your bubbleness!" I say grouchily as I turn my back to her and place my pillow over my head.

"Bubbleness? By Merlin the words you come up with, Lu. It's already 7am, you have to get ready, have some brekky and then off to school." My mother says as she leaps off my bed and grabs my duvet off of me and flings it onto the ground.

I give up and proceed to slide my legs off the bed, I flinch as I place my feet on the cold wooden flooring and place my hands on my face still trying to wake up.

"Mother, you sound like I have to travel by floo powder or something to get to school with all your carrying on when all I have to do is head down to the basement." I say as I finally look at my mother for the first time since she barged in. "Plus, I don't know why I have to start so early, dad teaches me, why can't we start at 9am, or perhaps noon." I say whining.

"Oh, pish-posh, Lu, you should see yourself lucky you only have to go down a few stairs to get to school, some people have to trudge through snow, or even climb the highest of mountains to get to school." My mother says as she heads to the door.

"God, you're so dramatic." I say as I finally stand up and pick my duvet up from the floor.

"Like mother like daughter, Lu. Now get ready, I'm placing the kettle on in 15 minutes." My mother says as she leaves my bedroom, shutting the door behind her.

I stretch out onto my tippy toes, with my arms stretched over my head and let out a big sigh. I head to my bathroom, it's a small white tiled room with dusty rose walls with a small gold, circular mirror hanging on top of a white basin with decent sized cupboards underneath, next to the basin is a nice but basic chrome trimmed shower and through another door adjacent to the basin was my toilet. I tie my long, straight, messy black hair into a messy bun and wet my face with cold water to wake me up a bit more, I then pat dry my face and put on some lightly tinted BB cream that did nothing to help the slight dark circles I have under my eyes, I then put on some light mascara, fill in my eyebrows slightly and finish with a hydrating clear lip balm. I'm not leaving the house today until later on tonight so there's no point doing my normal full face right now so I leave my face as is and I let my hair down, my long, black hair falls just below my breast, I brush all my knots out and apply a smoothing serum to the ends. I decide to leave it down today as I really can't be bothered with anything this morning, I had a horrible night, tossing and turning.

The summer break seemed to of ended in a flash, there's so many things I had planned but never was able to do as my parents kept putting strict curfews on me, I mean, sort've due to the fact that I kept sneaking out and then somehow make my way back home at 5 in the morning pissed as anything with a few hickeys on my neck. I guess I don't blame them though, I can be difficult at times but honestly, what 17-year-old isn't? It's already difficult enough for me to be magical and having to hide that part of me around my muggle friends and also not have the chance to socialise due to being homeschooled so I'm stuck just hanging around with the muggles in my neighbourhood and it's not my fault they're not the best influence on me, but I'd rather be making trouble than be lonely. Ive asked my parents numerous times if I can hang around with magical people like me, see where they live, where they shop, where they go to school, but my parents always shut me down and refuse to give reasons why I can't go.

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