Chapter Thirteen: My Darling Daughter

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"Darling." My mother says gently as she steps closer towards me.

I look at Molly confused, "Did you know she was coming?"

Before Molly could say anything my mother started to speak, "No, they didn't know, someone told me you'd be here and I needed to see you, Lu." She says with furrowed brows.

I start growing slightly frustrated, "You had nearly four months to see me, why now? Did Christmas suddenly make you feel nostalgic, feel guilty enough to decide to be aware of your daughters existence?" I spit crossing my arms.

"My darling, daughter, believe me when I say I'm so sorry, but I think you know what we need to discuss, please, Lu?" My mother says gently.

I sigh deeply knowing I do want to speak to her about what has happened in the past few weeks so I decide to sit down on the couch without saying another word.

"I'll give you two some privacy." Molly says as she sends me a soft smile and concerned eyes and closes the living room door leaving my mother and I alone in the room.

"Lu, I just saw Severus." My mother says as she sits beside me, "He told me that he had to tell you everything about what happened with him and I, he also told me you asked him to test your blood..." She says softly with a small gulp, "and that you are his daughter."

My eyes start to welt up feeling upset with the outcome of the test and having to talk about it.

"I just can't believe it." I say softly as I try to stop my tears falling from my eyes.

"I couldn't believe it either, Darling. I still don't want to believe it, it was the last thing I wanted for us, for you." She says full well knowing it's not true.

"Does dad know?" I say looking up at her nervously.

"He knows that you know the truth about everything and that you made Severus do a test... but I told him it came back as him being your father, not Severus." She says sighing.

"What? Why would you lie to him for?" I say as I turn my body completely towards her and feeling my body grow hot.

"Because, Lu, he loves you so, so much and when you were placed into Slytherin he saw that as you definitely being Severus' daughter, and it broke his heart because he didn't want to lose you, and if I tell him the truth it would just ruin him, Lu. Your father loves you so much I can't bare to tell him the truth." My mother says as she places her hand on mine tearing up.

"I don't know if I feel comfortable with this, Mum." I say knotting my eyebrows.

"Please, Lu. It'll break your fathers heart, you wouldn't want to break his heart would you?" She says staring into my eyes intensely.

I gulp deeply, "N-no, of course not, but he's hurt me these past few months ignoring me the way he has, if he loved me so much why would he hurt me so much." I say finally breaking down and let my tears fall.

My mother grabs me into her arms, "Oh, darling. I'm so sorry, we love you so much, I'm so sorry about everything."

I hold her tightly as I realise I've really missed her and her warm hugs, I look up at her as I gently pull away, "I won't tell dad." I say wiping a few tears off my cheeks.

"Thank you, Lu." My mother says as she strokes my cheek and uses her thumb to wipe some falling tears from my eyes.

I take a deep sigh and start to settle down as my mother holds my hand gently intertwined with both of her hands placed on her lap.

"Lu, your father really misses you, he's so sorry with how he's reacted, but he was too stubborn to come with me today. Maybe the day after the Ball your father and I can come back here together for a few days and we can discuss everything." My mother says with a soft smile.

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