Chapter Twenty-Nine: She Knows

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I started heading down to the Great Hall quickly as my time with Lucius has made me late. I still felt the rush of anger from seeing Severus earlier on tonight, I thought I would be happy and relieved knowing he's not my father but the fact he lied about it has pained and angered me so.

I turned the corner quickly and accidentally bumped into someone, it was Harry.

"Oh, Harry, are you alright?" I say concernedly as he is covering his still slightly swollen nose with a bloodstained ice pack.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Harry said as we start walking to the Hall together.

"I didn't realise you and Draco had such a bad relationship, I now know why you told me to be careful. I'm sorry I didn't listen before things all got out of control."

"Don't apologise, I'm just glad you're okay." Harry said with a small smile, "Can I ask how things fell apart between you and Draco? Fred and George sort've have a bet between one another." Harry laughed.

"Oh my god, of course they do." I say laughing as I roll my eyes, "What are they guessing? Humour me please."

"Well, George thinks you did something muggle-like and his parents forced him to break up with you, and Fred recons you finally saw Draco for the absolute knobhead he is and legged it." Harry said smiling.

"Jeez." I laugh, "Well, neither are the reason but Fred's has more truth to it."

"So, what was the reason?" Harry said as we turned the last corner.

"We just didn't click as well as I thought we did, plus he basically threatened my life all because I saw his stupid ta—"

"Mr Potter... Miss Vaire." Said a deep baritone voice that I wasn't prepared to hear so suddenly again from behind me, "I suggest you both make your way to dinner before The Headmaster starts his speech otherwise I'll see to a weeks detention for both of you." Professor Snape said who has stopped right beside me.

Without another word Harry and I quickly turn around and head to the Hall, "Not so fast Miss Vaire."

I start slowing down to a stop, I didn't want to talk to him, I didn't want to even look to his direction but with Harry right beside me I didn't want him to assume any tension was between Severus and I.

"I'll see you later on, good luck." Harry said as he quickly headed into the Hall.

Once Harry left I started walking to the Hall also when a strong hand grabbed me by the upper arm, "Lucretia, we need to finish our conversation from before." Severus said as he spun me around to face him.

I stared at his hand that was gentle but sternly wrapped around my arm, I could feel the coldness of his fingertips through my sweater. I looked into his eyes and my heart started to race. His expression was soft and his face was awash with confusion and slight sorrow. I wanted to say something, anything, but my words failed me, I was drowning in his eyes. I stood there, still, allowing him to hold his heavy hand that was placed gently onto my arm. Just as I got myself too comfortable within his eyes and through his touch I snapped out of it. The hurt, the betrayal, the lies... they all came flooding back.

I pulled my arm away from him harshly, "Actually I recall telling you that I was through with this conversation. Now if you don't mind we both should be heading inside, I'm not really in the mood for getting a detention on my first day back." I say as I hurried to the Hall before Severus could reply.

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