Chapter Twenty-Seven: Remember

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I'm so so sorry for the delay, I've been travelling around Australia and I've had major writers block whilst being stuck in the Melbourne lockdown. Also, after this chapter I'll be using a mix of third-person writing with Lucretias POV as it's easier to explain things that will be happening in the story and I can go into more detail. Thanks for sticking around. Iggy x

I couldn't get back to sleep after Lucius left. I was in too much pain from not just Lucius choking me but my chest area was still sensitive from the splinching which was aggravated by him. I lifted my head up gently from my pillow and with the help from the light that's coming from outside the window I made it to the dresser without disturbing Ginny who was back asleep. I looked in the mirror and was shocked to see how badly the bruising actually was. I brushed my fingers gently over the bruising on my neck and chest as a slight worry grew within me, this past week I've felt quite naive with how quickly I allowed this man to hold so much power over me when I don't know the slightest thing about him, but I was drawn to him in some way I could not describe.

I look in the mirror and notice that Ginny is starting to wake up. I start to panic slightly as I know for certain I wouldn't be able to explain this bruise. Ginny starts to stretch awake as I try and remember the spell I used to remove the hickey Draco gave me but my mind has gone a blank so I get up and quickly rummage through my draws and put on a turtle neck skivvy.

"Morning." Ginny yawns as she stretches awake.

I turn around to face Ginny who is now sitting upright on her bed, "Hey, sorry did I wake you?" I say whispering and slightly out of breath from rushing as I tuck my black jeans into my top and start putting on my Doc Martens.

"No, no, you're all good, you alright?" Ginny says stretching as she starts getting out of her pyjamas.

"Yeah, I'm just getting ready for the day." I say as I head back to the dresser and start applying my make up.

"Were you able to get back to sleep again?" Ginny said with her back towards me as she gets changed into some comfortable clothes.

I instantly felt a knot in my stomach as I started remembering what Lucius and I did last night, "Ah, no, not really." I quickly reply trying to focus on my winged eyeliner.

"Are you going somewhere today?" Ginny says as she turns around and walks up to me apply a full face of make up.

"Um, maybe." I say with a small smile.

"It's not to see Draco is it?" Ginny says with a slightly harsh tone.

I turn around in my chair to face her, "What? Why would I go visit him for? You know we broke up."

"I'm just asking, you're putting a lot of effort into looking nice, just thought it might've been for a guy."

"Trust me, Draco is the last person on my mind to see."

"Okay." Ginny sighed as she looked me up and down and left the room.

I started heading down stairs as I tiredly throw on my blazer and lift my top up making sure my neck was fully covered. I'm starting to feel regretful that I said I'd see Lucius today, not only am I exhausted from no sleep but last night was too much and I started to feel a rush of guilt go through me. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted as I bumped into someone at the end of the stairs.

"Oops, sorry, Harry." I say falling into him slightly.

"Its all good." Harry laughs, "Hey, I heard you last night again, you alright?" He said looking quite concerned as we stand at the foot of the stairs.

"I'm alright, I don't remember what happens so I'm just left feeling tired than anything."

"By the sounds of your screams I suppose it's good that you don't remember."

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