Chapter Twenty-Six: Back to the Burrow

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I took a quick shower and dressed myself carefully as my rib cage still felt quite tender. As I knelt down gently to tie my laces I realised how close I was to dying an hour ago, I thought about all the unfinished situations I still need to deal with and how badly I needed to know the truth about Severus.

I bit the inside of my cheek in repentance as I thought about how I left things with my mother, but I had every right to feel irate about the way she spoke about Severus, but she's my mother and although I hated her calling Severus a creep and lying to my father about who my real dad is the more I realised that she wasn't that wrong about the Malfoy's.

A small knock came from my door which instantly made me jump up from my bed with my wand placed firmly in my hand.

"Who is it?" I say sternly as I creep closer to the door, wand ready.

"Miss Vaire, it's Darly, may I come in?"

I place my wand in my pocket and quickly open the door.

"Darly, good morning, come in." I say with a smile and quickly look outside my door checking no one followed him.

"Miss Vaire, Darly has given instructions by Mr Malfoy to take you to the Weasleys, we must leave at once." Darly says looking up to me with a small smile.

I head over to Adelina and place her beside my trunk, "Thank you, Darly. But, I-ah, I was wondering if you know if Mr Malfoy is awake?, or perhaps know where he is?" I say as I fidget with my fingers slightly and look to the door. I know Lucius and I already said our goodbyes but now that I was actually leaving I felt a slight hesitation.

"Mr Malfoy is with Mrs Malfoy, Miss." Darly says as he clicks his fingers and my trunk and Adelina apparate to the Weasleys. "They're having breakfast but Darly can get Mr—"

"NO!" I slightly yell, the last thing I wanted was for Mrs Malfoy to overhear me wanting her husband, and now knowing she is awake I couldn't leave quick enough. "Sorry, I'm so sorry for yelling at you." I say to Darly who coward beside me. "I'm ready to go now."

"Oh gosh, it's freezing." I say through jittering teeth.

Darly and I were standing a fair far away from the Weasleys home, my shoes sunk half way through the snow covered ground as I hugged and rubbed my arms tightly to keep warm.

"Darly must return, Miss Vaire."

"Darly." I say as my warm breath makes smoke appear out of my mouth. "Please, call me Lucretia."

Darly's eyes lighten up, "Happy New Year, Lucretia."

"Happy New Year, Darly." I say with a smile and wink as he apparates back to the Manor.

I look to The Burrow and with a small sigh, I walk through the snow as I gently get covered by snowflakes that fall from the sky. The coldness was overwhelming and I sigh in relief as I get to the door but before I could knock the door swings wide open.

"Lucretia! Oh, it's so good to see you again, dear." Mrs Weasley says as she grabs me into a big motherly hug.

"It's good to see you again too." I say as Molly squeezes me tightly making my words come out quite dishevelled.

"Molly, let the poor girl breathe." Arthur says chuckling as he comes out from the kitchen with a coffee in his hand.

"Oh, sorry, dear. Merlin, you must be freezing, here let's take this off." Molly says as she starts taking off my coat that's covered in snow.

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