Chapter Five: Disgrace

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My father hurries over to me with a kind of anger in his eyes I've never seen.

"Lucretia, we're leaving." He says as he grabs my arm and starts heading to the floo entrance.

I use all my strength and pull myself away from his grip, "What? I just got here!" I say as I back away and move back near McGonagall who is looking rather distressed.

"Aston, you don't have to do this." Dumbledore says calmly as he looks at my father becoming even more angrier by my refusing to leave.

"Don't tell me what I should and shouldn't do Albus! Not when it comes to my family, my daughter." My father yells as he points his finger at Dumbledore.

"Can you tell me what's going on please, father? Is it mother? Is she okay?" I say growing worried by his anger.

"No daughter of mine will be a Slytherin! This was a mistake to bring you here, Lu!" My father says as he once again grabs my arm and pulls me to the floo entrance.

I start resisting again, building up that unfamiliar anger I've had all day. "Stop!" I scream as I pull my arm back from my father, "You're taking me away because I was sorted into some silly fucking house that isn't Gryffindor?! This is crazy, I refuse!" I spit at my father feeling rage throughout my body.

"It's not just some silly fucking house, Lucretia Azaria Vaire!" My father spits back just as hard.

My father never swears, not to me anyways, and he only uses my full name when I'm really in trouble. I relax my face and untense my body realising the severity of his anger.

My father calms his tone, "Your silly fucking house is the house that bred The Dark Lord and many Deatheaters, I will not have my daughter be associated with the likes of them!" My father says staring at me then Dumbledore then McGonagall.

"Do you really think I would end up like them?" I say confused and slightly hurt.

"Who knows, but I'm not waiting to find out! Slytherins are an absolute disgrace!" My father says becoming angry again whilst reaching for my slightly bruised arm from his other attempts at taking me.

"Father, stop!" I say pulling out my wand with the rush of anger running through my whole body. My father backed off with his eyes becoming softer and fists released from his tight grip.

"Lucretia, put down your wand." Dumbledore says calmly whilst McGonagall grabs my shaking arm that's held out pointing the wand at my father.

"How could you ever think I could end up like those people just because I'm a Slytherin, you've known me my whole life, I'm your daughter for Christ's sake and you think I really have it in me to become someone like that?" I say with tears stinging my eyes as my arms drops to my side.

"You don't understand, Lucretia, you're mother is an absolute wreck right now. We thought this could've been a possibility and now that it's happened it makes your mother and I sick! You must come with me now." My father says looking me dead in my eyes.

"What do you mean a possibility?" I say inbetween heavy breaths.

My father looks at Dumbledore and then back at me, "Never mind that. Look, you're coming with me—"

"Never mind? Fucks sake I am sick of always being left out of the dark with everything, father! It's infuriating." I say clenching my fists, "I won't come with you, I'm staying here. A Slytherin." I say stepping back towards McGonagall again.

"If you stay here, Lucretia, then don't bother coming home." My father says with a painful look as though he regretted what he said the moment it left his mouth.

My heart feels like it's been ripped out of my chest and smashed to pieces on the floor, my face fills with sadness from the words I just heard from my father.

"Then leave." I say as I walk over to my father and push him to the floo entrance, tears stinging my face.

"Lucretia, don't be an idiot." My father says yelling in my face with pain in his eyes.

"I'm not a fucking idiot. Now go! Leave me alone!" I spit at him as I turn his back on him heading towards the door.

My father didn't say another word and before I knew it the room glowed green and I was alone with the Professors.

"Professor McGonagall, can you please escort Miss Vaire to the Slytherin quarters." Dumbledore says as he places his hand on my shoulder gently stroking his thumb against my skin.

"Come on, dear." McGonagall says as she wraps an arm around my shoulders and leads me out of Dumbledores office.

I felt completely and utterly numb, not sure how I'm even standing right now, I feel myself walking but my mind is in such a haze I have no idea where I am at this very moment. How could my father hurt me like that? How could he ever think I could become someone like that?

My mascara stained my drying cheeks as I started coming out of my haziness, I'm still finding it difficult to breathe feeling quite overwhelmed with what's happened, I hear McGonagall whisper for me to breathe in and out and that everything's going to be fine.

We start heading down to the Slytherin quarters when I tall darkly figure starts coming our way. They are finally close enough for my stinging eyes to realise it's Professor Snape. My stomach starts going into knots, feeling embarrassed about someone either than McGonagall seeing me in this state.

"Evening, Professor Snape." McGonagall quickly says as we walk passed him.

"McGonagall." He replies as he realises it's my small frame she's holding up, he looks at me with wide and worried eyes with his mouth open ever so gently. I look at him quickly not wanting to feel the vulnerability of looking into his eyes.

Snape walks passed us then stops, "Professor McGonagall?" He says making us stop and turn around, "Is everything... under control?" He says when in reality all he wanted to do in this very moment is to run over there and grab Lucretia in his arms and comfort her, whatever the problem was he wanted to make her better again.

"Yes, Professor." Minerva says with a nod and starts walking me to the door.

"I can't have them see me like this." I say finally putting words together with a soft voice.

"Oh, dear. Here let me help you." McGonagall says as she uses a flick of her wand and my make up is made perfect again and my hair smooth and resting gently on my back, "I'm sorry you had to go through this tonight, my dear." McGonagall says grabbing me into a hug, "Your father really does love you, your parents went through quite a lot with the The Dark Lord and his followers, give it some time, he'll understand that you are his daughter and no one can take that from him."

"Thank you, McGonagall." I say as I use the password to open the Common room door.

"Don't forget, dear. I'm always here whenever you need me." McGonagall says with a smile.

I say goodbye and shut the door, letting out a big exhale.

"Lucretia! Come! We're about to play some cards, come join us." Astrid says as she's seated on the couch with Draco, Blaise, Dahlia and a few other Slytherins.

"I'm not feeling so well, maybe tomorrow night?" I say forcing a smile and heading up to my room.

I decided to take a long bath, I had the water scorching hot and I still couldn't feel anything, everything that today brought was overwhelming and everything that happened with my father had broken me.

I went to bed and fell asleep alone in the room silently crying into my pillow.

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