Chapter Twenty-Two: The Morning Of...

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WARNING - This chapter contains rough sex.


I woke up quite early today, well in fact, I hardly slept a wink. I kept tossing and turning about everything that happened with Lucius and I yesterday. I felt so humiliated that he was reading my thoughts and knows about my feelings towards Severus even though he's supposedly my father. Surely he must think I'm messed up in the head for having such feelings about the man who showed proof that he was in fact my father, but he shows no judgement towards me and the situation I'm in. Maybe he's intrigued by it all, or maybe he doesn't want to hurt me, perhaps it's because we trust one another. It's just so hard to trust people but god, there's something about him that just makes me feel secure.

I headed downstairs after I slumped out of bed still dressing myself as I headed down the stairs, as I popped my head through my sweater I saw Draco heading into the dining.

We haven't talked much at all since Hogsmeade, but we did hang out for awhile last night after dinner, but still things are still tense, we haven't had sex, let alone kissed in days, I can't really complain as I've been fooling around with his father instead, I do want to stay and wait for Lucius to come up with answers for me but I really think I should leave and end things with Draco, it's unfair for me to drag him along when I don't have feelings for him. I need to find the right time to do this because I can tell he's going through something but he's keeping it bottled inside and I don't think it's a bottle that should be shook.

I walked into the dining room after Draco, who ended up being the only one in there. Darly served him some breakfast and a black coffee as I sat in front of him on the opposite side.

"Miss Vaire, would you like your coffee now?" Darly said as he looked up at me with a smile.

"Yes, please, Darly. Thank you." I say as I look to him with a smile.

Draco scoffs as Darly leaves to the kitchen, "I don't understand why you're so nice to it for." Draco says as he starts eating his breakfast.

I roll my eyes at him as there's no point arguing with him at this point. We sit in silence as Darly comes back with my coffee.

"Are you excited about the party tonight?" I say staring at Draco trying to break the silence.

Draco shrugs his shoulders and continues eating his meal.

Suddenly the double doors open and Mrs Malfoy walks in looking refreshed and happy, "Good morning, Darling" she says as she gives Draco a kiss on the cheek which Draco instantly wiped off, "Good morning, Lucretia, you look lovely." she says with a kind smile and relaxed sigh as she sits down at her regular seat at the table.

I was a bit taken aback by Mrs Malfoy's positive attitude this morning, usually she'll ignore everyone unless she had something to complain about. Maybe Draco was right, perhaps she actually takes awhile to warm up to people.

"Thank you, Mrs Malfoy, good morning to you too." I say with a small smile.

"What's got you all chipper this morning?" Draco says as he also notices his mother's rare upbeat attitude for this early in the morning.

"There doesn't have to be a reason, Draco. It's the last day of the year, everything for the party tonight has come along swimmingly, everything is falling perfectly into place." She says smiling at me as she claps her hands twice and Darly comes back and places a chocolate croissant and iced coffee in front of her.

Before Mrs Malfoy could say any more Lucius barges through the doors looking quite stressed out. I felt my stomach turn into a knot seeing him look so dishevelled, he hadn't shaved this morning, leaving slight stubble on his face and his hair wasn't neatly displayed as usual. Plus, he'd usually come down for breakfast dressed for the day, but he's still wearing his pyjamas which consisted of a black pair of cotton pants and matching long sleeve pyjama shirt.

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