Chapter Twenty-Eight: Back to Hogwarts

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The morning chill blows onto the platform as the Hogwarts train comes to a stop. The platform was filled with moody teenagers not prepared to go back to school already and parents who either couldn't wait for the peace and quiet or parents like Molly Weasley who was chasing after one of her kids to confiscate some Whiz-Bangs they tried to smuggle. Lucretia tiredly stood leaned up against the wall as she saw the events of Fred getting in trouble unfold in front of her, she couldn't even crack a smile when George looked to her with a wink and showed her some Whiz-Bangs in his pocket. Lucretia hadn't slept a wink, ever since Lucius told her how Verantreise actually works she has been thinking over every possible reason why Severus would lie about it to her, she was confused, hurt and more so than anything, angry. The events from her dream overwhelmed her mind, repeating over and over again, making her find trouble in doing anything but dissociate. She cringes her nose when she remembers the pain, or the painful look on Severus' face. Yes, she was mad and felt betrayed by someone she loved but a soft spot in her heart still worried deeply when she saw his eyes in her mind.

"Lu, are you sitting up with us?" Harry said as he walked up to Lucretia who was mid yawn.

"I think that's best." Lucretia sighed as she looked to the front of the train where Slytherins were making their way into the carriages, she saw Astrid looking around, possibly looking for her, but she didn't make herself known as standing right beside her was Draco and the last person she wanted to be in the company of right now was him. Lucretia turned back to Harry and Hermione was coming up to her with a big smile.

"Lu, it's so good to see you! Ron sort of informed me of everything's that's been happening, I'm so sorry." She said with concern as she tightly hugged Lucretia.

"It's fine, really." Lucretia said tiredly as the last thing she wanted was to talk about everything that's happened in the last two weeks.

They said their goodbyes to Molly as they went into the Gryffindor carriages, "Here, I saved us a spot." Ron said as he signalled to Harry, Hermione and Lucretia.

"Hey Lu..." Ron said with furrowed brows, "I know you said you were sick last night, but, uh, any chance you did the potions essay for me?"

"Oh my god, Ron!" Hermione said sternly as she hit his shoulder, "I say no so you decide to ask Lucretia? You really need to learn these things yourself." Hermione huffed.

"Hey, I had to focus on my Quidditch last semester, give a guy a break." Ron says shrugging his shoulders making Hermione sigh.

Lucretia looks to Ron and Hermione who's on the chair in front of her, she smirked at their little domestic which made her, for a second, forget about the anger that was growing inside her hourly.

"I had time this morning to write one up for you." Lucretia says as she takes out folded parchment from her carry-on bag.

"Oh, you're bloody brilliant, you are!" Ron said with wide eyes as he grabbed it and started to read it.

"Just make sure you write it out yourself, Professor Snape knows my handwriting." Lucretia says tiredly with a slight twitch of her mouth as she didn't want to be reminded of the Professor.

"And perhaps learn something too, Ron." Hermione says with a sigh and eye roll.

The first hours of the train ride go by quickly as Lucretia started to nod off after the first hour. She woke up to Harry resting on her shoulder, he kept twitching and he suddenly started screaming out which made Lucretia jump and turn to him properly, she looked to the seat in front to get help from Hermione and Ron but they weren't there.

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