Chapter Six: Liquorice

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It's been 2 weeks since everything went down in Dumbledores office with my father. I haven't really slept much and my focus is completely off with school work. My letters I've been sending back home, with the help of Adelina, have been replied with silence. Right now more than ever I wish I could have my phone with me so I could call my mother and hear her voice and tell her that I miss her and that I was sorry about everything.

I don't regret not leaving with my father as I was still hurt over him making me feel like there was something disgusting and wrong with me all because I'm a Slytherin. It left me feeling incredibly hurt.

I felt like my body was on autopilot, waking itself up, preparing itself for the day ahead, doing homework and eating whatever I could keep down. I felt fine once I was around people. Surprisingly Draco and I have been getting along really well. I told Astrid and him about the fight I had with my father, once Astrid left he told me that he didn't have the best relationship with his father and we stayed up past curfew in the common room talking about everything. Ever since that night we've hung out every day since.

When it came to Professor Snape I saw him around the halls, at dinner time and 4 times a week in Potions class. Ever since he saw me walk down the corridor with Professor McGonagall he hasn't once looked at me or acknowledged my presence. He's gone as far as ignoring my raised hand after asking a question, even when I'm the only one willing to answer. It's making me feel quite upset that he's ignored me for so long, it makes my stomach go into knots every time I look at him and he doesn't even for a second stare back.

I finish getting dressed for the day including my tie, I keep it tied up from when Snape did it for me and I just shuffle my head through the hole and tighten it.

I didn't get much sleep last night, I keep tossing and turning and having difficulty shutting off my brain, I get about an hour or two of interrupted sleep a night which has made me fall asleep in class quite a bit in the past two weeks, I have even fallen asleep in Potions, the first time I woke up just before the lesson ended and the second time which was on Wednesday I woke up by Draco shaking me saying class is finished. He was surprised Snape didn't even try to wake me up by hitting me over the head with my own book.

I was really slow this morning, I didn't do much with my make up only placing some bb cream on my face, some mascara, and vanilla lip balm. I had a cigarette and sprayed my perfume on my hair and clothes before I left to head to breakfast where everyone has been for the past 15 minutes.

The sound of the roaring voices that echoed throughout the hall pierced my head into a shocking headache. I sat down next to Draco where a coffee waited steaming in front of me. I placed my fingers on my temples and looked down at my coffee not having any desire to really drink it.

"Lucretia, you alright?" Draco says as he grabs my arm gently.

"Yeah, I'm okay, I'm just not sleeping so well, it's just thrown me off a bit." I say as I start drinking my coffee.

"A bit? Lu, you look terrible" Draco says looking me up and down.

"You're a real jerk sometimes." I say sending daggers his way.

"Shit, sorry, but really, I'm a bit worried about you, it's Friday, we were all thinking of going to Hogsmeade after class to have some butterbeer, I want you to come." Draco says with a soft smile.

"Dracos right, you really should come." Astrid says as she finishes off her apple and looks at me smiling with caring eyes.

"You can even invite those...Weasley boys if that makes you feel even better?" Draco says bitterly.

"Wow, you really do want me to feel better." I say with a laugh.

The announcement to head to our classes echoes through the Hall making us get up and walk to our classes.

Awakened (Severus|Lucius)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora