Chapter Fifteen: Malfoy Manor

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The light pierces in from the window and into my eyes as I slowly wake up, I grumble at the harsh light as I rub my temples, my head feels like it weighs a thousand pounds and my ears throb in pain as a migraine has set in.

"Hey, you're awake." Someone whispers from across the room, I push myself up with my elbows to see that it was Astrid who is getting herself dressed into warm clothing.

"Oh, god I feel awful." I say softly sitting up further and rub my pulsating temples.

"That's firewhiskey for ya." Astrid laughs as she walks over and sits at the end of my bed.

"What happened last night? How did I even get back here?" I say with a breathed laugh to Astrid.

"I'm not sure, I was with Blaise last night." Astrid says blushing, "but apparently you and Draco got caught drinking by Professor Snape." She says raising her eyebrows.

I sit their confused trying to think about what happened last night until the image of Professor Snape catching us drinking enters my mind, "Oh, god." I drag out in embarrassment.

Astrid laughs, "Draco told us this morning that Professor Snape made him wait inside for punishment but never came back." She says with a cocked brow.

I start having small flashes of Severus walking me back to the common room and placing me on the couch but nothing more, "That's strange, Snape never misses an opportunity to punish one of us." I say with a small chuckle.

"Oh, I nearly forgot." Astrid says as she jumps off of my bed and walks over to her dresser bringing back my purse, "I found this on the coffee table in the common room, there was also this small vial beside it." Astrid says as she hands me my purse and the vial.

I look at the label on the vial then smile to myself knowing it's written in Severus' handwriting.

"What is it?" Astrid says sitting back on my bed.

I look at Astrid as I open the lid on the vial, "It's Craninumb, it's a potion to help with migraines, and also works wonders for hangovers." I down the contents of the vial which made me feel a bit sickly from its bitter taste, but within seconds my vision was less blurry and the pain and pounding in my head disappears.

"Whoever gave that to you is a lifesaver." Astrid says with a laugh.

I smile back at her and now that I'm feeling refreshed I hopped out of bed. The moment I place my body weight onto my legs my right leg gives out, I wince in pain, "Fuck, my knee!" I look down and see a big purple bruise on my kneecap.

"Ouch, that looks painful." Astrid says wincing like she can feel the pain.

I try to think about how I got it but have no clue, "It must've happened when I fell over when Snape caught Draco and I." I say tending to the soreness of my knee, I start to feel incredibly embarrassed about how I reacted when Severus caught Draco and I, I sort of feel glad that I don't remember the rest of the night.

"Come down to the Great Hall when you're all washed and dressed, we'll be hanging out there." Astrid says as she leaves the room.

I head down to the lavatories and take a quick bath and head back up to my room to start getting ready. I put on a fresh black lace bra and a matching g-string, I wanted to have something sexy on knowing that I'll be spending the day with Draco at his house. I put on a long sleeve black skivvy, and tucked it into a black tennis skirt, and paired it with my Doc Martens and a long black blazer that reached just a bit longer than my skirt. I brushed my hair which removed all the waves Hermione gave me the night before and I put smoothing serum in my hair. I placed the front of my hair behind my ears and let my hair fall onto my back. I decided to wear a full face of make up as I wanted to look as nice as possible when I meet Draco's parents properly later on today. I did my usual winged eyeliner and red lipstick and as I was checking myself in the mirror one last time before I headed down I started remembering my intense encounter with Lucius Malfoy, I blushed as I remembered the touch of his warm body that was pressed against mine and the smell of his cologne that made him irresistible, I then slowly caressed my leg as I remembered him grazing his cane over my leg as he was grabbing it from the counter. I started to feel slightly wet from the thoughts I was having about Lucius but I stopped and shook my head trying to rid the thoughts I was having. God, Lucretia, pull yourself together, that's your boyfriends father.

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