Chapter Eighteen: My Apologies

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My head is spinning like crazy as I look up and notice we're in Diagon Alley, "Holy shit, my head definitely didn't like that." I say gaining my balance back as I lean on Draco for support.

"That was a bit dodgy wasn't it?" Draco says laughing, "It'll be better next time, I promise." He says pulling me into him with his arm around me.

"I hope so." I say laughing as we head into the large crowd of people lining the streets.

We walk for a bit until we get to a small clothes store and walk inside.

"Master Draco, it is good to see you again." Says an old man with white hair and deep set eyes.

"Coyle, good to see you too." Draco says a bit uninterested but shakes the mans hand anyway.

"Mrs. Malfoy said you were going to pop by to pick up your new suit, we have it ready for you if you'd like to try it on." The man says as he trails out into the back and comes out with a black suit.

Draco grabs the suit and makes his way to the change rooms, I follow him and hang around until he comes back out as he struggles with his tie a bit.

"I hope you don't think I'd be any help with that." I say laughing as I point at his tie.

Draco laughs as he finishes tying his tie and looks in the tall mirror I was leaning against. His suit was tightly fit and was tailored perfectly on his body.

"You look really good." I say cheekily biting my lip, he gets flustered and smiles as he goes back into the change rooms to change back to his normal clothes.

The old man places the suit in a suit bag and we leave without paying, I assume it was already taken care of beforehand.

We head back onto the path and start walking down a more quieter section, "So, what's the new suit for?" I say breaking the silence.

"We have our annual New Years Eve party coming up, my old suit doesn't fit anymore." Draco says casually, then stops and stares at me, "Oh, do you have anything nice to wear? I totally forgot to tell you." Draco says looking at me scrunching his face.

"Uh, no, not really. I could wear my Yule Ball dress again?" I say pulling my mouth to one side.

"No, no. We will get you something new." Draco says as we turn back around and start heading back into the crowds.

We head inside Arabella's Boutique, I look at Draco, "I don't have enough money to buy another dress, I really don't mind wearing my Ball dress." I say whispering to him.

"Nonsense, I'll buy you one then, I want my girlfriend looking as beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside." Draco says smiling at me. His comment made me get butterflies in my stomach but then a rush of guilt went through me and the butterflies now felt like burning prongs. He's so sweet and here I am lusting over his father...

"No, really, I don't feel comfortable you buying me a dress from here, it's quite expensive. I used nearly half of the rest of my money on my Ball dress alone." I say with furrowed brows.

"Well, see this as your Christmas present from me to you. So, technically if you don't choose a dress then you're declining a gift from me and that'd just be rude." Draco says playfully crossing his arms and sticking his nose up.

"But, I never got you a gift." I said pulling into him.

"We'll just figure something out for you to do later on tonight then." He says smirking and pulling me in kissing me hard.

I head over to the racks of dresses to the left and notice a long deep red silk dress that had a slit on the left side of it. It was absolutely beautiful, I go and show it to Draco and he tells me to go try it on.

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