Chapter Twenty: Imprint

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Lucius hears a knock on his office door which then opens widely and Narcissa walks in.

"I swear to Salazar, Lucius, these people you've hired to help set up the ballroom are atrocious." Narcissa says as she walks up to Lucius who's still sitting on one of the black leather chairs where he was with Lucretia just moments before, "There's so many things still left to do and they're usele—"

Lucius stands up in a huff and heads to his desk, "Well perhaps besides complaining why don't you just do it yourself." Lucius snaps back as he rubs his temples.

Narcissa takes a step back with her mouth slightly open in shock, "Excuse me, Lucius?" She says angrily.

Lucius grabs a bottle of firewhiskey out from his desk drawer and pours it in a glass, "I don't need you coming in here with such trivial things like this fucking party when I've got other important things on my mind." Lucius says sternly as he takes a sip and sits down.

Narcissa walks over to him, "Oh, I'm sorry, but I think you're completely missing the importance of this party, Lucius. The whole reason that pathetic Vaire girl is in our home in the first place, so don't snap at me if I'm stressed out about this." Narcissa angrily says as she leans over Lucius' desk and sternly looks at him.

"I've got a lot riding on this plan, Narcissa, you don't even know the magnitude of it all so excuse me if I don't care about the goddamn state of the ballroom right now." Lucius puts the bottle back in the drawer and slams it shut, "You don't think I'm stressed too?" Lucius yells as he rises onto his feet putting his face in hers.

Narcissa scoffs, "You didn't sound too stressed a few moments ago, you actually sounded quite satisfied" Narcissa says pulling away from the desk looking resentful.

"Well, Dear, you're the one who told me to do anything to get the Vaire girl to trust me, so you can't throw that shit back on me when you're the one who wanted it this way." Lucius says sternly as he finishes the rest of his drink and walks around his desk and faces Narcissa

"Well, it doesn't make it any easier, Lucius. She's a naïve, pathetic little girl, she's eating out of the palm of your hand already, so stop wasting time and be done with it." Narcissa says looking slightly hurt as she stands right in front of Lucius.

Lucius calms himself and sighs deeply, "I'll have it done tonight." He says looking into his wife's eyes.

"Good, because the last thing we need is for her to not trust you. The Dark Lord will be so pleased with you, My Dear. I promise everything will run smoothly and you'll be praised for your idea." Narcissa says with a smile as she looks deeply into her husbands eyes whilst she caresses his cheek.

I lay in my bed feeling a small knot in my stomach as I can hear loud muffled yelling coming from Lucius' office. I kept thinking any moment now Mrs Malfoy is going to rush down those stairs and break my door down and kill me for being such a home wrecker.

I hear the muffled yells stop and I start preparing myself for the retaliation. I didn't even think about how she would've felt about me fooling around with her husband, I was so caught up with trying to get a distraction that I didn't even think about the consequences of my actions, and now I guess it'll soon be Mrs Malfoy coming in here and wreaking havoc at me.

I start hearing the clicking of high heels walk down the staircase, I gulp hard as I get up off my bed and grab my wand just in case. I hear her footsteps at the end of the stairs when suddenly her footsteps continued down the hall and faded away.

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