Chapter Twenty One: Blackmail

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I start heading down the stairs when a burst of anger rushed through me. I turn back around and head back into Lucius' office slamming the door behind me.

"You don't get to treat me the way you did just now!" I yell at him as he sits at his desk with his eyes wide open looking shocked from my outburst.

Lucius gets up from his desk and walks to me, "You don't want me to call you a good fuck?" He says looking me up and down with a teasing tone which only made my blood boil even more so.

I stare daggers into his eyes , "You know exactly what I mean, Lucius. Was this just your whole plan all along? You tease me a little, give me tiny bits of you, make me fall into the palm of your hand and then once you have all of me you just throw me away?" I say yelling as I push his chest, "Was I some kind of game to you? Some prize?... God, Lucius, did you do all this to spite my father?" I say looking at him in disgust.

I run my fingers through my hair as I calm myself down, "You know what? I don't even care." I turn around without another word and head to the door.

I'm getting the fuck out of here, I never should've left the Weasleys.

"Wait, don't go back to The Weasleys!" Lucius yells to me.

My stomach drops as I stop in my tracks, I slowly turn around to face Lucius again, "I didn't say I was going back to the Weasley's... out loud." I say confused looking at Lucius in disbelief.

Lucius' face drops into panic, "Wait, I can explain."

I start walking backwards to the door, still shocked by what he said, "Oh my god, you've been reading my thoughts haven't you?" I throw my hands to my head in bafflement, "Why does this keep happening to me?" I say to myself shaking my head with a small laugh out of disbelief.

Lucius starts walking up to me, "Look—"

"No!" I say interrupting Lucius, "I'm so out of here." I say as I open the door and head down the stairs.

"Wait, Lucretia. If you just give me a second." Lucius says as he rushes down the stairs behind me.

I enter my room and slam the door in Lucius' face which he then opens back up, enters inside and shuts the door then says mufliato.

"Ughh! I can't believe you, Lucius! Not even an hour ago you were spitting shit about trust and now—" I deeply sigh and put my hands over my face.

"I'm sorry, Lucretia. I didn't mean to I swear, your thoughts are just so hard to control." Lucius says with pain in his eyes.

"Yeah, I've heard that one before. Maybe try harder." I spit back as I start packing my clothes.

Lucius walks over to me and grabs me by my upper arms, "Look, I didn't mean to treat you like that after we had sex, but you thought of my wife afterwards and it hit me that I just cheated on her, it was a hard pill to swallow, Lucretia." Lucius says as he stares intensely into my eyes.

I pull away out of his grip, "You didn't seem to care when you had your dick half way down my throat." I yell back as I continue to take my clothes out of the wardrobe.

"Don't act all high and mighty, Lucretia. You enjoyed using me as a distraction these past couple of days." Lucius spits back finally showing some anger.

I stop what I'm doing to look at Lucius who's staring back at me angrily. The room goes silent as we both just stare at each other, I calm myself and Lucius seems to be doing the same.

"I need to leave, Lucius. It was a bad idea coming here." I say softly as I start folding the clothes I threw onto my bed.

Lucius comes up next to me, "I know it was wrong of me to peak into your thoughts and I'm truly sorry, but please, don't leave. We still have the New Years Eve party tomorrow, maybe wait until after that?"

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