Chapter Nine: It All Unravels

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It's been a few weeks since Snape and I had our argument. I decided to drop out of Potions, which was a shock to Professor McGonagall, who sat me down in her office asking me if Professor Snape said or did anything that caused me to drop out of a subject that I loved and excelled at so highly. I didn't want to tell her about the fight we had and just told her it wasn't a good fit anymore.

I've been spending a lot of time with Draco, he's asked me to be his girlfriend which I said yes, but I just wanted it to be casual, everything to me has just been so overwhelming lately that I don't really know how to stop, pause, and really think about what my true feelings towards him were.

It's only 2 weeks left until the Yule Ball, the school was filled with Christmas decorations. I went into the Grand Hall with Draco for dinner by my side, I felt a feeling of sadness looking at all the decorations as it started reminding me of home and the fact it'll be my first Yule without my parents, broke my heart.

"Hey, are you alright, Lu?" Draco says as he puts his arm around me as we sit down at the table.

"It's been months and they still haven't wrote me back." I say feeling my eyes start to sting from my tears but I wipe them away before they fall, not wanting to cause a scene.

"I hate them for what they did to you, and the pain they've caused torturing you like this, it's pathetic." Draco spits.

"Maybe your parents will send you a letter on Yule." Astrid says with a soft smile.

"To be honest, I think that would be too late, I've just so much anger pent up inside of me the longer that they refuse me." I say feeling and looking numb with a coldness over my face.

"I wish you'd stay with me for Christmas Eve and Christmas, Lucretia. You shouldn't have to spend it with the likes of The Weasleys" Draco says, eyeing the Gryffindor table across the room with a disgusted look.

"Mr and Mrs Weasley invited me, I haven't seen them in years and I remember them being such lovely people. Plus George said his mother already got me a gift so I can't back out now." I say looking at the Gryffindor table spotting George's eyes and sending him a smile.

"Well, you're all mine for two weeks after Christmas, right?" Draco said staring at me intensely.

"Yes, of course. I hope you told your parents how grateful I am for them letting me stay with you all. I didn't think your father would've wanted me around after the whole incident Astrid and I had with him. Wouldn't want little Draco have a bad influence now would we?" I say jokingly as I playfully elbow him, hiding the fact that I was actually really nervous seeing Lucius again knowing how tantalising he was to me.

"Ha. Ha." Draco says sarcastically, "Actually, my father seemed quite delighted to find out you were staying with us." He says as he tucks into his dinner in front of him.

My heart starts beating faster feeling shocked but excited at Lucius' reaction to me coming to stay, "Wait, really?" I say trying to hide my excitement.

"Mm, probably cause I have someone else to entertain me during the holidays now." Draco says with a scoff.

Draco and I start walking back to the common room when suddenly he looks around and grabs my hand and starts going a different way.

"Draco, where are we going?" I yell out trying to keep up with his pace.

"Shh, I'm going to take you somewhere." Draco says putting his finger on my lips with a smile.

We head up a few flights of stairs, and we finally stop.

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