Surprise Hubby and New Friends

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~Gulf's POV~

I can't wait to see my babies! Mew is driving me to my appointment with his insistence. I hoped to surprise him on his birthday about either the fact they're twins or their genders but he's coming along today.

We have a whole day of things to do. First my appointment, if we happen to get to know the gender today then we will also shop for stuff for their nursery, next is getting extra cameras and security measures for our home, curtains for all of our windows, buying groceries, visiting the place where we will hire professional bodyguards and all that good stuff.

Mew has his hand wrapped around my thigh while driving with only one hand. Damn he's so sexy! And sweet...and cuddly...and hot...and protective...and he's so perfect it's terrifying!

I love my hubby so much!

"Babe, what do you think their gender is?"

"I don't know, I kinda want a girl like Tharn wants but at the same time I wouldn't mind another boy. Just as long as you both are healthy and safe, I don't care."

We pulled up to the hospital and got out to make our way to the gynecology department. Mew kept one arm wrapped around my waist while his other hand rested in his pocket.

We made our way to the front desk to check-in and then proceeded to sit down and wait for Dr. Ittikorn.

I'm so excited!

I rub my belly and giggle when I felt a little kick respond. This is what I love the most during the time I'm pregnant. Their little kicks. It makes me feel like I'm communicating with them without having to share words to do so.

After waiting for 15 minutes, Dr. Ittikorn came and called my name.

"Hey Nong. I haven't seen you in a while! Look, your stomach has grown a lot since I've seen you. Let's go check up on them and see what's going on in that tummy."

I smiled and held my arms around my belly as we made our way into the room. Mew helped me up the table to sit before I laid down.

***I don't really know about all the things they talk about during an examination so we are just going to focus on the ultrasound. Also forgot to mention that the boys are at school***

"Lift up your shirt and then we can look to see what's going on."

I lifted my shirt and shivered at little once the cold gel touched my tummy. He started moving the wand around before he turned the computer towards us and showed my babies.

"Well would you look at that. Congratulations, you're having twins again!"

I was right!

"Twins!?" Mew looked beyond shocked before looking back at my belly before switching to the computer again.

Dr. Ittikorn pointed to the babies on the screen and Mew started crying.

"Babe!? Why are you crying!?"

"I-I'm so h-happy! We a-are having twins a-again!" Mew started kissing my whole face and started laughing while looking at the screen again.

"Can we know their genders?"

"Let's see here. The first baby right here is a girl and the second baby here.....

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