Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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Thank God I made it through. A whole year after leaving treatment, I never thought I’d still be standing but I did it. I did it. 2011 was so hard, getting back on my feet. Leaving behind everything I’d ever known and trying to weed out all the bad stuff. But I did it. I have to pinch myself every now and then but I know I did it. There was however still some way to go. 2011 was just the stepping stones to 2012. This was my comeback year. I could already feel it was going to be a good year. 2012. Time for second chances and new beginnings.


‘’So the tickets for your summer tour go on sale in April and we’re thinking the tour itself would begin in say, Mid July?’’ said Jeff.

 ’Yeah sounds like a plan’’ I replied, thinking ahead to what the tour would mean. It had been more than a year since I had embarked on any sort of tour. If I remembered correctly, the last tour I was on resulted in me having to pull out and check myself into rehab.

 It all seemed like such a long time ago but the Camp Rock 2/Jonas Brothers tour was still a memory I couldn’t quite completely erase. It wasn’t a memory I would’ve liked to remember that was for sure. Long rehearsals, long nights binging on alcohol, early morning sound checks, and performing on an empty stomach. It was a quick downhill spiral that ended in my parents sitting me down for the realest talk of my life. I still wince when I think about how my stepdad Eddie, had been called in by my tour managers to practically blow the windows on my tour bus out. It wasn’t a pretty picture that night with 50 or so crew and cast members standing outside my tour bus listening to my dad release his wrath on me inside the bus. But anyway it ended with me being plunged into insane guilt and taking responsibility by pulling out of the tour altogether. I remember the next morning, getting into my dad’s car with all my bags while everyone stood there looking on, a hushed silence over the entire set. I had avoided all goodbyes by avoiding all eye contact. I vaguely remember out the corner of my eye, seeing Nick (of the Jonas brothers) trying to say something that I couldn’t entirely hear. I felt embarrassed to say the least. And riding back to Dallas on the flight we caught out of LA that evening, I sat looking at my hands. Covered in scars from when I had self-harmed myself, tears trickled down my cheeks as I realized my life had hit rock bottom and what scared me most was not knowing how I was to climb out of the whole I had let myself fall further into.

 Little did I know. That would have been the best choice I would’ve made to date.  Rehab had been hard. I had cried endless nights, secluded from my friends and family. But in the end I came out with somewhat a new outlook on life. I had weathered the storm. And if it hadn’t been for that decision made so many days ago, I probably would’ve ended up to put bluntly, a coffin with my bones rotting in the ground in some deserted burial ground by now.

 ‘’Demi… demi..  demi.. demi…..”


 ‘’Yeah!’’ I looked up to see the irritated of my manager, Jeff Hawkins looking at me.

 “This is serious Demetria, are you ok with these dates? If you get started in mid July you should be done by early September” He was shuffling through some papers on his desk.

 “Yeah ofcourse I like touring in the Summer anyways, don’t want my fans catching colds in the fall or winter anyways and it gives me the first half of the year to rehearse and everything” Rehersals. Soundchecks. Studio time. It was all beginning again, and for some reason I felt a slight twitch of excitement. Music was my passion. It was the only thing I could turn to vent my feelings. I loved to sing, it was gift and I was thankful to God for blessing me with the voice. Acting was also great, but singing was really the only thing I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

 ‘’Ok then I’ll get on contacting all the right people for ticket sales and call in a few to help hire the right people for tour preps” I could Jeff was getting more irritated by the moment from my constant drifting in and out of reality. “So that’s all for now, but I’ll call your mom and yourself if anything else comes up” At this he stood up and proceeded to escort me out of his office.

 Jeff wasn’t the most patient of people. But he was very good at his job. He worked hard and there hadn’t been an instance yet where I had been forced to question any of the decisions he had made in my career. He was really serious about his job and it didn’t bother me abit and the thought made me smile.


 I was screaming.

 Screaming. Yelling. Screeching. However you like it.

 The scene in our LA house was of utter chaos. I was standing with my phone in hand, screaming. My mom and older sister Dallas, were running around the living room, arms waving in the air making similar noises to what I was doing. My stepdad was sitting on the couch next to me, arms on his knees, face in palms. Maddie, my baby sister was jumping on one of the couches (something my mom would’ve strongly reprimanded her for if it hadn’t been for what had just happened).

We had gotten a call. Actually I had gotten a call. From Simon Cowell. Asking me to become a judge on his TV show the Xfactor USA. Xfactor USA. YES. Xfactor USA.  

 The call had come through on the house landline and by some miracle our family had been home to take the call when it came through. I say it’s a miracle because it is hardly ever you find our family at home, everyone is always busy doing something. With my music career, maddie’s acting career and Dallas always out with friends. My parents were also running a restaurant in Santa Monica and were rarely home until 10pm at night.

 We all had the day off and decided to have a family catch-up which is why we were able to take Simon’s call. I was shaking. Of course I told him yes. I’d be crazy not take it. He had mentioned something about me drawing a younger audience and how he thought I was the perfect candidate for the job. I was stoked.


‘’Welcome onboard Demi! It’s a real pleasure to have you on our judging panel this year” Simon Cowell sat across from me, on his desk. He was smiling as his stretched out his hand to shake mines. He had offered me $5 million to join his Xfactor USA team and work started with auditions in July. My schedule was full. I had to juggle my tour (which had yet to start rehearsals) with Xfactor but it all worked out fine. Simon had made sure of this. He was bent on getting me on that panel, along with the likes of LA Reid and dare I say it, the legendary Britney Spears.

 “So you’ll be flying back and forth from auditions to your concerts, but I’ve made sure the Xfactor schedule gives you enough time between cities so you won’t feel the work is too full on” Simon had assured.

 “Thank you” I smiled, “I’m ready to work to be honest. I’ve had almost the year off, except for being in studio to record my album. But now I’m ready to do more, its time I guess”

 “Great. I like that fighting spirit of yours Demi, its one of the reasons I wanted you to work with us”

 I felt great. It was only March and I had signed a contract with Xfactor USA and was gearing up to rehearse for my ‘unbroken’ tour.

This year is all about work Demi, I told myself quietly. There is no time for anything else, especially relationships. No boy should be on your mind at all in 2012. No one at all. 


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello :) Thanks for reading thus far. I just want to make clear that this is indeed a love story and I want to give it a little background and depth before jumping right into the juicy details, I hope you understand. There will definitely by alot of NEMI interaction throughout the story I promise.  I have shipped Nemi for as long as I can remember and I want to take my time with this story and make everything perfect, almost realistic. I have decided to take from their real life experiences (eg, demi's rehab stint, xfactor) and give you my take on how things would go on in a perfect world where Nemi will eventually fall inlove :)

Right Infront of Me (Nick Jonas + Demi Lovato fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant