Chapter 23: Friends, Housemates and Now More?

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Demi’s POV:

“You’re not coming back tonight?” I said into the phone, trying hard not to let him here the disappointment in my voice.  

“No we just got scheduled for a few more public events in France starting tomorrow so I probably won’t be back in the states until next week.”

“Oh well nothing to be done about that then” I replied, biting my lip.

“I hope you weren’t looking forward to seeing me again too much Demi” he teased.

“I’m not missing you at all actually” I lied.

“Well I’m missing you twice as much so I guess I’ll be the only one bummed about this bit of news then” He replied, solemnly.

“I’ll see you next week then” I said softly, before bidding him goodbye and hanging up.

It had been four weeks since I had moved in with Niall. And to my amazement I had found myself softening to him.

He had turned out to be the perfect host and at times I had found myself wondering if there was something more to us?

I had not met a guy like Niall in the entirety of my life. He was sweet, caring, soft spoken and incredibly charming. While my attraction to most guys (Nick included) had been instant, the attachment I felt to Niall had gradually grown over time. I wasn’t ready to throw myself at him in a fit of passion; but instead I found myself wanting to feel his arms holding me making me feel safe and happy. There was gentility about him that I guess every girl wanted.

 Anyways tonight we were supposed to be celebrating our one month moving in day. I hadn’t mentioned it to him but I had known hoping he would be around on the day so I could surprise him. I knew it would a lot to him for me to remember these little things.

Oh well, that’s too bad I thought as I started to clear up the dinner table I had set out for the occasion.

There was suddenly a ring at the door bell.

“Who could that be?” I said aloud to myself.

It came again.

“Okay okay I’m coming” I yelled placing the roast I had been holding back down onto the table and making my way to the front of the house.

Disarming the alarm I pulled the door back slightly with the chain still on peering out into the dark.

A girl can never be too careful, I thought.

“Hey gorgeous”

Standing on the doorstep in a blue football jersey and jeans was Niall.

“Wha-what are you doing here?” I asked shocked as I pulled the door wide open. Before I knew what I had done I flung myself into his open arms and hugged him.

I had never been too forward with him, not even when I’d started having curious feelings for him lately.

So the act took us both by surprise. But I felt him soften as his arms went around my waist hugging me to him. It took all my strength to pull away from him, detangling my arms from his neck.

“You really missed me didn’t ya?” He replied, grinning like a little kid.

“Oh be quiet” I replied, laughing. “Just maybe a little bit.”

“Well to answer your first question, I was just pulling your leg.” He continued, laughing.

“You lied to me!” I shrieked, reaching out to clout him around the ears but he was too fast and dodged.

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