Chapter 10: Family Fracas

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Nick’s POV:

“Nick honey you really have to come outside and get some sun. Or at least have a little something to eat” My mom was standing in the doorway of my room, looking worried. I currently had my head bent over a script I was learning for my next show; while mindlessly smoking a cigarette, a habit I had picked up in the concrete jungle.

“Its okay mom I’m not hungry. Plus I have loads of work to do; you understand I can’t be bothered right now right?” I offered her a small reassuring smile.

“You have to come out sometime honey” She was trying so hard. I could almost hear the desperation in her voice.

But I wasn’t biting. “I’ve extended my stay to a month mom. I have plenty of time”

My mom had worried endlessly about me since I had been back from New York. I don’t know if it was the fact that I had started smoking and drank more than my usual share of whisky; or that I’d lost 10 pounds; or that I no longer had time to do anything leisurely and was always holed up in my room with my head buried in work.

“Well I hope you do come out and say hi when Demi and Joe get here” she offered meekly. Poor mom, I thought. Always trying to make everyone come together and enjoying themselves.

Today was the day Demi was expected back from her tour. Joe had gone to the airport to pick her up. Everyone was gleeful at seeing her again. I, on the other hand couldn’t have cared less.

“Its okay mom I promise I’ll try” I replied, knowing full well it wasn’t going to happen.

“Okay then… I love you Nicholas” she managed a small smile, the distraught never leaving her eyes.

When she left I found myself distracted with the thought of being around Demi again. It wasn’t a thought I’d had in months.

I hadn’t heard or seen her since July when I had left the Greek that night. When I had been taken aback by surprise at how she had kissed me back. I had been wrong; she did have feelings for me. But I knew what I did was right and even she knew it because she hadn’t tried to contact me either. We had parted ways and tried to never look back.

When in New York I had let myself be swallowed up by the city’s glitz and glamour. I had tried in every way to adopt a new way of life that would rid me of any thoughts of Demi. I had gone to almost every single social event and every party I could. Met so many beautiful creatures that had been more than happy to let me seduce them and have them do me the same. I had not been proud of a few things I had done in New York but in the end it had all been a waste of time because at the end of every encounter, I would forget their faces and only one would come back to haunt me every night in my dreams. Hers.

Those first few weeks had been hell to deal with.

Months passed and eventually my life became all about shows, booze and women night after night and still only at nineteen years old. Even Demi started to drift out of my mind as this new life filled with adrenaline rush, and smelt of alcohol, smoke and danger started to envelope me. I was just a shadow of my old self but I was glad because I didn’t want to be my old self anymore. I was carefree now, even if it meant taking a swig of a bottle of Jack Daniels every now and then. I knew my family barely recognised me anymore. I doubted Demi would either. But it was what I wanted. I wanted her to not see the boy she fell for. I was my own man now free to do what I wanted.


Demi’s POV:

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