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a/n : I'm out of town again but I made sure to bring my iPad with me so that I can at least write some chapters while I'm here. If you guys notice I don't update for a few days, it's most probably because I'm out of town or I'm sick, It one or the other. Another thing, I will be posting another story but it isn't really stray kids related nor it's kpop related, it's more for a whole different fandom I'm part of. Don't worry, Stray kids stories are still going to be my main focus, that story will just be a mini side project I wanted to try.

The day finished after long hours of continuous practicing from the group. They did take small breaks in between but they immediately got to practicing right after.

Felix was the first one to leave along with Hyunjin since Chan needed them to record their parts for a new song, Jeongin left earlier since he planned to go out with his family because he was in town yet he hasn't gotten to see his family.

That of course left Minho and Jisung.



It was now 7 pm and the two were still in the dance studio. Jisung was sat on the floor leaning on the wall while on his phone. As for Minho, he was on the other side of the room, away from Jisung, also on his phone.

Minho wanted to engage with the younger in a conversation but he didn't know how. He really wanted to know what the younger has been doing the past 2 years.

He told him what he has been doing for the past 2 years but Jisung hasn't told him what he was doing.

Knowing more about the said quokka boy is his first step on starting over with him, but being the coward that he usually is, he "didn't know" how.

Just then, the door to the studio opened and the lady at the front peeked in.

"Hello boys, sorry but I need to close up the building for the night." She said politely.

"Oh it's fine ma'am, don't worry about it," Jisung answered.

Jisung got up and went towards his bag, he then looked at Minho who was just looking, but more like starting, at him. "You coming?" Jisung asked.

"O-Oh yeah." Minho stood up and grabbed his bag which was sitting beside him. He ran to the boy who was waiting for him by the door.

They walked out of the building, side by side. Jisung was quite thankful it was now nighttime because Jisung was flustered by the distance between him and Minho.

The two walked in silence back to their dorm. Minho thought this should be the perfect time for him to start his plan aka. Operation: SOWJUHFFHA. (Start Over With Jisung Until He Fall For Him Again)

"Can I ask you a question?" Minho kept a straight face to hide his nervousness which was rising, unlike my grades.

"Well, you're already asking me so what's stopping you?" Jisung giggled at Minho's annoyed expression.

"Anyways, you haven't told me anything about you or what you've been doing the past 2 years," Minho said.

"What's there to tell? I've been studying and practicing the time I was at HYBE." Jisung furrowed his eyebrows at the older in confusion.

"Oh... So no relationships?" Minho hesitantly asked.

Jisung just chuckled dryly at the older's question. "Bold of you to think I could get back into a relationship right after what happened." Jisung dryly remarked as he kept his gaze away from the older.

"Well, I assumed that you needed to leave just to find someone else..." Minho felt very guilty.

"I left because I need to save what's left of myself...You broke me down to my core..." Jisung softly answered.

"But That was 2 years ago..." Minho answered back in a much more softer tone.

"But even after 2 years," Jisung had a tear slip from his eye. "it still hurts me just by thinking about it."

"I-I'm sorry..." They both had stopped in their tracks. Minho was now in front of Jisung as the latter just had his eyes on the ground.

Minho sighed before reaching to cup the younger's face. When he lifted the boys' face to look at him, he had his eyes shut tightly as a few tears slip out.

The older gently wiped his tears before speaking. "I'll make sure to make it up to you. I'll do everything I can to earn your forgiveness. You don't have to forgive me right away, only forgive me when you think I deserve it."

Jisung lowered his head before nodding just ever so slightly. The older pulled him into a soft embrace and rubbed his back in comfort.

They both stayed like that for a while until the younger broke the embrace. "T-Thanks..." Jisung said as he rubbed his eyes.

"No problem." Minho ruffled his hair.

Suddenly, a soccer ball came and hit Jiusng at the back of his head. It caught him off guard and caused him to stumble forward but luckily Minho was close enough to catch him by his arms.

"Arghhh, where did that come from?" Jisung rubbed the back of his head.

"Let's just go back to the dorms." Jisung nodded before following the older.


"Did you hit him?" Hyunjin asked.

"I did but not hard enough for him to fall and accidentally kiss Minho hyung," Felix said.

"Hyung learned to keep his balance back at HYBE so it would be harder for us to make him stumble, unlike last time," Jeongin added.

"I forgot we also hit him with a soccer ball 2 years ago," Hyunjin said.

"Well, Chan was the one who kicked it so it would of course make hyung stumble forward," Jeongin said.

"We should maybe try and aim for Minho hyung next time, maybe he would stumble and fall, unlike Jisung hyung." Jeongin continued.

"Yeah, I agree with that," Felix said.

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