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2 weeks finally passed and Jisung was now packing his clothes in his bag. Not much really happened for the both of them.

It was just like a normal trip to a camp with a friend. Well, that's how Jisung viewed it. Minho viewed it as progress between him and Jisung.

The older would usually make them breakfast while the younger was still asleep, he would bring them to the beach for a peaceful walk, and sometimes Minho would set up a little picnic up the hill at night when stars shine the brightest.

Jisung appreciated all of the older's effort but he still felt very cautious when it comes to his feeling. He can tell that Minho was trying his best but he still wants time to maybe try and think through this.

He wasn't going to give in easily, that's for sure.

A soft knock knocked Jisung out of his thoughts. He went to open the door to see Minho holding his duffel bag.

"You ready to go?" the older said.

"Sure, all of my things are packed." Jisung went to his bed to grab his own bag and wake don't the room with Minho.

"Did you have fun?" Minho asked the boy beside him as they walked out of their cabin.

"I guess you can say that." Jisung was unsure how to respond to that question without being so obvious.

"What do you mean?" Minho questions the boy.

"It was fun, it's just that..." Jisung's words stopped for a bit as he thought of an answer.

"Just what?" Minho raised his eyebrows, waiting for an answer.

"You put so much effort into this. You aren't even guaranteed I will come back to you. Isn't that the whole purpose of this trip? For you to try and win me back?" The younger muttered as he kept his gaze on the ground.

Jisung felt guilty that the older went through preparing so much without even maybe considering that he was doing all of this for a lost cause.

Minho smiled at the younger. He then pulled the younger into a soft embrace. "So what if you don't come back to me? Knowing that I mended our relationship is enough for me. I know that all of this might not matter in the future but might as well try right." Minho said as he rubbed the younger's back.

"I'm sorry," Jisung muttered into the older's chest.

"What are you apologizing for?" Minho chuckled.

"You are doing so much just because of me." Jisung quietly explained.

Minho chuckled once more before cupping the younger's face and looking at him in the eyes. "Don't worry about it. It's the least I can do."

"Now let's get going. We don't want to get stuck in traffic do we now?" Minho held Jisung hand and walked him towards his car.

Minho placed both of their bags in the back seat as Jisung sat in front with Minho. The older started his engine and they now were driving back to the school.

The ride was pretty silent. Not many cars were driving along the road since it was still early in the morning.

The silence was very comfortable, to say the least. Jisung thought he could maybe get some rest, so he closed his eyes and he slowly fell asleep.

A few minutes into the drive and Minho just noticed that Jisung was now fast asleep with his head rested on the window.

Minho cooed at the sight. The sight of how the younger's lashes rested on his cute puffed-up cheeks while his lips were slightly parted.

The older smiled before quickly pulling over at a gas station. He took a small pillow from the back seat to place in between Jisung's head and the window.

He leaned in towards Jisung to place the pillow in between the younger's head so that he was at least comfortable.

But before he leaned back to the driver's seat, he quickly kissed Jisung on his lips. It was a soft peck, quick but warm.

Minho slightly pushed away the younger's hair before softly whispering, "sweet dreams kitten."

And then the drive continued all the way until they reached the school. Minho opened his door before walking over to Jisung's side.

He opened the door and quickly catches the sleeping boy in his arms. He didn't want to wake him up so he just decided to carry him back to the dorm.

He was now carrying the boy in his arms bridal style as they walked back to their dorm. Some people looked at them confused on why Minho was carrying an unconscious Jisung but they didn't question it because they thought they looked cute.

When they got to the building, Minho ran into Felix and Jeongin who were walking out to probably get food.

"Hyung!" Jeongin shouted but he quickly covered his mouth when he saw Jisung who was sleeping peacefully in the older's arms.

"Did you guys just got back?" Felix quietly asked, in which Minho hummed in response.

"Where are you guys going?" Minho whispered.

Jeongin mouthed the word 'food' and he just told the older that they will bring them back some food before continuing to their destination.

Minho managed to open the door to the dorm and Jisung's bedroom. He laid the younger slowly on the bed but as he was about to leave, the younger held onto his wrist.

"Don't leave." The younger sleepily said.

Minho just cooed at how cute Jisung was. "I won't leave, don't worry." He said as he leaned down.

"Cuddles." Jisung quietly muttered.

"You want cuddles?" Minho asked and the younger slightly nodded.

"Ok, then." Minho went to the other side of the bed, behind Jisung. He laid down and wrapped his arms around the younger and pulled him close to his chest.

He felt Jisung snuggle closer to him and just like that, they were now both asleep again in each other's arms.

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