Chapter 6

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We walk on a stone path through the gardens. Neither of us talk but it's surprisingly not awkward. A patch of wild daisy's catches my attention and I leave his grasp to go look at them.

I kneel down in the soft grass and pick one of the flowers. Daisys remind me of my mom who died way too early in life. And I can't help but feel as though I might be right behind her. She didn't intend to be sucked into the mafia life and neither did I.

Luca sits down next to me, our knees brushing. When I look at him I find that he's already looking at me.

"It's nice out today," he says, leaning back. I just hum a response. We sit there for what feels like hours, basking in the fresh air and sunlight.

"I want to show you something," he says, standing up. He offers me his hand and I take it. We continue down the stone path until a tree swing comes to view. Luca gestures to the seat and I comply, sitting on the swing.

"This is where I like to come when I need to just get out of that house," he says as he begins to lightly push the swing. We stay like that for a while. Just quietly coexisting.

"Why did you bring me here?" I finally ask.

"So you can have an escape from the house as well," he replies.

"No, Luca," I shake my head, "why am I here?"

Luca grabs the rope and the swing comes to an abrupt halt. Fuck, I pissed him off.

Luca comes to stand in front of me and his piercing blue eyes scan my face. He reaches his hand out and I flinch but he only tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Sei così bella cazzo," he says so softly it's as though he's talking to himself.
(You're so fucking beautiful).

"Luca," I manage to get out.

He seemingly snaps out of whatever trance he was in and takes a step back.

"What am I doing here Luca?" I ask again.

I just don't fucking understand. I get that Marco owes money but what use am I for that? And what the hell did he do to break omertà? How am I, a girl who knows very little about this underworld in general, supposed to take his place for violating such a sacred oath?

Luca has been nothing but a gentleman since I've been here but I can't seem to trust him, not yet at least. I can't figure out what kind of game he's playing. When you violate omertà, you die. It's as simple as that. Yet Luca is buying me new clothes and ensuring that I'm eating.

I don't understand what the fuck is happening.

"I just want to keep you safe," he finally decides.

"How is kidnapping me and forcing me to live in a house full of mafia men keeping me safe?" I ask.

"It's safe because I am here," he says simply.

"What does that even mean?" I ask, standing from the swing.

Luca takes a step closer and places his hands on either side of my face. For a moment he just stares at me and then he leans down and kisses my forehead.

"I told you already that no one is ever going to hurt you again," he says, "I'm going to make sure of it."

"Luca please let me go home," I all but beg.

"If you think I'm going to bring you back to the man who has caused all of these bruises and scars, then you're not as smart as I thought you were," he says, matter of fact.

There really is no room for argument, even if I wanted to, because he's right. He hasn't actually done anything to cause me harm and yet I am almost desperate to get back to a man who will without a doubt beat me.

What is there left for me at home? My shitty job at a shitty bar? My brother that literally sold me? My father whose favorite hobby is beating me? None of it matters and none of it is worth going back for. This reality hits me hard and I find myself unable to breathe.

My knees give out as tears cloud my vision. My body shakes uncontrollably as I try in vain to take a breath. My whole life has accumulated to nothing. Nothing of value, no one of importance. Just nothing.

Suddenly I'm enveloped in warm arms and I feel a hand gently stroking my hair. He is definitely speaking but I don't hear any of the words. The soft touch and calm voice bring the world back into focus and I'm able to hear what he's been saying, only he's not speaking. He's humming.

It's an Italian lullaby that my mother used to sing to me, although he probably doesn't know that. Nonetheless, his voice does the job and I'm able to calm down. It's only now that I realize the way we are settled.

Luca is sitting with his back against a tree with me in his lap. His one arm encircles my body, keeping me pressed against his chest. His other hand is still stroking down my hair.

"Are you okay?" He asks once my breathing has regulated.

"I have nothing," I say barely above a whisper.

"That's not true," he says and his hand stills.

He takes my chin in his hand and turns my face to look at him. His bright eyes search my face for an answer to an unasked question.

"Dio Victoria," he sighs, "you have so much. You are smart and beautiful and kind and you have..."

He stops his rant to chuckle to himself.

"Mi hai," he finally says.
(You have me)

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"Forget it," he shakes his head, "I have an important meeting soon, let's go inside."

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