Chapter 12

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The bed next to me is empty when I wake up. A pang of disappointment hits me in the chest but I push it aside.

Remembering that I'm going shopping on Luca's dime gets me out of bed. I pad over to the closet and slip into the lovely dress Maria gave me. I put on the sandals he got me in New York given they're the only shoes I have.

I go into the bathroom and do my business before attempting to tame my hair. It's hot out and I'm not in the mood to deal with bullshit so I toss my hair into a bun.

"Angelo?" Luca's deep voice calls out from the bedroom.

"What?" I call back.

"Come along. We're going to be late," he says.

With a sigh I open the bathroom door. Luca leans against the door frame of the bedroom in a perfectly crisp suit while glaring at his phone. I fully step into the bedroom and his eyes lift to me.

This is what I expected of the Don.

The kindness and vulnerability of last night has disappeared. His face is an emotionless mask. His eyes are iced over and hardened. He stands impeccably straight and I can clearly see at least three guns strapped to him.

He strides over to me and places a hand on the small of my back. My cheeks grow red from his touch. He guides be through the castle and into the garage. Three black SUVs are running.

"Why do we need so many cars?" I ask him.

One of his men opens the back door of one of the cars. I climb in without much thought and Luca slides in next to me.

He waits until the car door is shut to respond, "I told you that we are under attack. I can never be too careful with you around."

I simply nod in response. I might have pushed it further if he didn't look the way he does today. The usual softness and warmth that I have grown used to from him is gone. It has been replaced with the murderous mafia boss that the world fears.

He reaches over and takes my hand in his. His eyes are closed and he takes deep breaths. Neither of us say a word for the rest of the car ride.

The driver comes to a stop right in front of a row of boutiques. Luca opens his eyes and looks over at me with a small smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. The driver opens the door and offers me his hand. I take it and hop out of the SUV.

Gio materializes next to me with a grin, "how did you sleep?"

"Good thank you," I tell him. The familiar warm hand on the small of my back pulls my attention to Luca.

"What about you Luca?" Gio asks as his grin widens.

"Vaffanculo e vai a farti fottere," Luca says.
(Go fuck yourself)

Gio laughs at that and claps him on the shoulder. Luca glares back at him. I look back and forth between the two trying to figure out what the hell is going on.

Without another word, Luca urges me forward and into the first boutique. A young girl, probably still in high school, rushes over the second we cross the threshold.

"Mr. DiSilva," she greets Luca with a smile.

"Barba estiva. Nessun limite di prezzo," he tells her.
(Summer wardrobe. No price limit.)

She nods in understanding and gestures for me to follow her. For some reason, I glance up at Luca when she does this and only follow her once he's given me a reassuring nod.

The girl has a huge rack of clothes already set up near the dressing rooms. She goes right to work and leafs through each item.

"Try on," she points to one of the dressing room doors. Her voice is heavily accented and I realize she probably doesn't speak English.

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